Is Ben Flajnik dating Jennifer Love Hewitt?

So after the big heart-wrenching finale in August, rumors circled about a romance between Ben Flajnik, 28, and Jennifer Love Hewitt, 32. Obviously that is not happening since Ben is the new Bachelor but what did happen?During the show’s finale, J Love Hew tweeted:

“OMG! Ben F. except my final rose !!! I love that ring… Happy for Ashley… Gotta book a flight to Sonoma !!!”

Then there was a rumored meet-up between the two in San Francisco. Us Magazine reports that the two met up at San Francisco’s Lion’s Pub in Pacific Heights. My favorite part of the story was that Ben brought a wing-man, San Francisco Giants player Cody Ross. He must have been really nervous and trying to impress. Who brings a wing-man on a date with J Love Hew?

The two apparently left the Pub hand in hand and the actress “appeared to be smitten.” Eyewitnesses even reported seeing the two making out and Hewitt tweeted the next day…”Morning lovelys! I got lost in the most amazing sat! Just when you think u can’t be surprised…. You are and it’s awesome!”

So what happened?! The two seemed pretty mutually infatuated. Was Ben approached by the Producers of ‘The Bachelor’and forced to choose? Or did one of them just lose interest? Tell us what you think!