Situation 411: The Jef Holm polygamy scandal

Jef Holm Emily Maynard instagram

Good grief! In case you, like me, are a avid Jef Holm fan and follower on Twitter, Instagram and in real life (via stealth shrubbery costume), and are wondering what his latest Tweet means, we’ve decided to dig up some details to share the 411. Here’s the Tweet we’re referring to, in case you missed it:

Now they’re going after my family? My family DOES NOT, has HAS NEVER had any affiliation with polygamy. Ever.

What the Tweet is referring to is the latest In Touch article that claims Jef Holm’s Mormon family’s past polygamy practices. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“…a family member reveals exclusively to In Touch that while his immediate family, who are Mormon, do not practice polygamy, many of his relatives — including aunts and uncles — are still followers of the FLDS Church, a sect of Mormonism that still practices polygamy.

In fact, In Touch can reveal that his uncle Rodney Holm was convicted of bigamy in 2003 and his grandfather Carl Holm had 11 wives — and helped establish the FLDS Church after the LDS suspended the practice of polygamy.

Jef’s father, Monte, has 63 brothers and sisters, the family member tells In Touch. “Monte is one of 15 kids from the same mom, with a total of 64 brothers and sisters from the same dad.”

While most people are shunned after leaving polygamy (as Jef’s father did), that’s not the case for the Holm family — who still keep in touch with both sides of the divided family. “The Holms are the only ones that talk to other families after they leave the polygamy religion,” the family member says. “There’s a higher level of respect attached to the Holm family because of [the grandfather] helping found the church.”

Our knee-jerk reaction to this latest big of tabloid fodder? RIDICULOUS! First, it’s always suspect when the source is a “family member” instead of citing a full name. And second, the fact that usually cool-calm-collected Jef got so heated on Twitter about it is pretty telling. He usually laughs this stuff off. But when they go after your family, it’s different. Eeesh. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy!

I wonder what next week’s Big Headline about the latest Bachelorette couple will be?

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