Are Ryan Ranellone & Jaclyn Methuen still married?

Jaclyn Methuen and Ryan Ranellone were the most unlikely couple to survive the Married at First Sight experiment. Jackie was not in to Ryan at all when she first met him.

“The initial physical attraction really isn’t there right now” she claimed…. “when I saw him face to face I felt a little disappointed. It just doesn’t feel like this is the man who is my husband. I don’t know if I can do this.”

But as Jaclyn got to know Ryan she started developing feelings for him. The two even consummated their marriage (this after Jaclyn claims that she had not had sex in 2 years.)

At New Years and Jaclyn says:

“I didn’t think my feelings for Ryan would change so drastically in a few weeks”.

But little did Jackie know Ryan was actually pulling away and was just going through the motions. Apparently the dynamic flipped after the two finally had sex. Ryan was missing his family and his life in Staten Island.

Jaclyn is really hurt that the feelings are not mutual and begins pulling away. But Ryan is not ready to give up. He continues to work on the relationship and develops romantic feelings for her.

So tonight BOTH decide that they want to STAY MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaclyn says “Ryan is worth it to me.” WOW!!!!

More Married at First Sight

Stay tuned for the Reunion special airing on June 16 and 23 at 9 p.m. on A&E.

Photo Source: A&E



UPDATE 6/16/2015: Jessica Castro just filed a restraining order against Ryan De Nino

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