Married at First Sight UK couples

The train wreck known as Married at First Sight is spreading like a bad virus all over the globe! It started in Denmark in 2013 and then spun-off in the US in 2014, it took off in Australia in 2015 and now the UK is embracing the absurdity of marrying a stranger at first sight!

Experts chose from a pool of over 200 applicants to agree to marry sight unseen and then allow cameras to follow them for 6 weeks. The panel of professional match-makers are experts in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, social & evolutionary anthropology and theology.

Married at First Sight UK couples

Here are the three couples participating in the social “experiment”:

Married at First sight contribs concept Group3.jpg

Source: Channel 4

Jason Farnsworth Knowles, 33, Financial Adviser (single 1 year) and Kate Stewart, 31, Personal Trainer (owns her own business) (single 3 years)

Jack, 30, Security consultant (single 6 months) and Sam, 29 Surveyor (single 2 years)

Unfortunately Sam already dropped out.

32-year-old events organizer Emma Rathbone and 33-year-old university administrator James Ord-Hume were the first couple to marry on the premiere Thursday.

Jason Knowles and Kate Stewart split after Jason gets caught on Tinder

Married at First Sight UK experts

Jack Source: Channel 4

Source: Channel 4

Andrew Irving, a social anthropologist

Jo Coker, a psycho-sexual therapist and psychologist

Reverend Nick Devenish, a Church of England Priest and Vicar of a priory in the Lake District and

Dr Mark Coulson, a social professor of psychology at Middlesex University candidates

The next episode airs on Channel 4, next Thursday at 9pm.

Executive Producer: Murray Boland, Danielle Lux & Eve Kay

Production Company: CPL Productions Limited.

Photo Source: Channel 4


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