Tonight Ready for Love’s Ben Patton, 31 chose 24-year-old Angela Zatopek over 26-year-old Allie Wagner. Ben Patton actually got down on one knee and proposed marriage to Angela Zatopek!!
Ben, the Dallas “business financier” gave 26-year-old Allie Wagner, from Cincinnati, OH the boot (which was a good choice because honestly I don’t think Allie wanted to win. I think she was there for the “experience”. She was all like “even if you don’t pick me this has been a great experience, no biggie.” Personally I think Allie Wagner had a big crush on matchmaker Matthew Hussey.)
But I digress….
The Former Miss Texas USA Angela seemed like she started off in the “friend zone” with Ben. Matchmakers claimed she wasn’t “bringin’ it”, meaning she needed to bring a little more sex appeal and ease off on the JC talk. Angela espoused strong Christian values and proclaimed she was saving herself for marriage (I suspect this had a bit to with the breakup).
Her virginity became a big focus on the show this season. From the looks of it Angela didn’t appear to be a front-runner.
But Angela loves a challenge and definitely followed the advice of her professional matchmakers to a tee and planted a big kiss on Ben episode 3. The kiss seemed to change the tone of the relationship and definitely took the two out of the friendzone. The relationship took off from there.

The two were engaged last August on the season finale. But alas, today nearly 10 months later we have learned things did not work out between the two.
So what happened between Ben Patton and Angela Zatopek and who dumped who:
Ben mentioned in his blog in early May that it’s been a pretty challenging time since the show finished filming, particularly given the constraints that the new couple has faced (they haven’t been allowed to be seen together in public for almost nine months). He claimed then that the two were still together…. “still going through it” …… “After the finale airs, that’s when we can see if it’s the real thing. Right now, we can’t even go through the real experience of dating.”
Whelp, we know how that went!!!
The two both had very busy schedules sometimes seeing each other every two weeks, other times over a month. On May 7th Patton said they saw each other about three weeks ago, and that their relationship has become…
“more stress than fun. She’s really stressed. I’m really stressed. I’m not going to lie, it’s very hard.”
Here is what Angela tweeted today:
@karaschrand That really means a lot. I tried to stay true to myself through this process & honor him above all else…thank you!
— Angela Zatopek (@AngelaZatopek) May 29, 2013

Hmmmm, that sounds like Ben may have dumped her/and or Ben was staying in contact with a certain ex-gf which just wasn’t OK with Angela. NTM we don’t have a diplomatic press release from Angela only from Ben. We also have Kari Krakowski weighing in. Remember Kari, Ben’s ex-girlfriend that came to take him back.
Just watched #ReadyForLove & I’ve got tears in my eyes. @angelazatopek you looked BREATHTAKING.. such a beautiful person inside & out!!
Could Ben Patton and Kari Krakowski be back together?
Watching the #ReadyForLove finale & I can’t help but think about the AMAZING man I have in my life!❤ @tpopealope #theone #WINNING #truelove
— Kari Krakowski (@KariKrak) June 5, 2013
Kari sounds like she is in an incredibly good mood these days. That may be a sign of what happened.
Then we have Matthew Hussey tweeting:
Important for us all to realise how difficult it is for these women to be under such scrutiny. They are incredibly brave. @readyforlove #nbc
— Matthew Hussey (@matthewhussey) May 29, 2013
Gotta love Matt. He’s got game…I still think he and Allie Wagner struck up a romance!!
Then we have Angela mentioning Bachelor contestant Ben Scott!! We love it when reality shows cross-over!!! She mentions him many times in her tweets…. Could easily just be a friend so I don’t want to read too much into it. But I would say Angela seems bummed which suggests to me that Ben broke up with her. And Ben is such a solid and loyal guy. I’m thinking the only thing that could tear him away from his fiance would be a serious ex-girlfriend…stay tuned!!! We will keep investigating this situation. If you have any info please share!!!
Ben Patton is dating Jamie Otis!!!
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Oh well! get back out there and find true love, she out there.
Is Ben naïve or impulsive?(may be both). Dragging her family from Texas to California to witness that proposal was ridiculous. He hadn’t dated her exclusively for even a day when he made that careless and senseless proposal.
I do not think Ben nor Ernesto were on the show for the right reasons. They both ended their relationship(s), are always together with Eva. Tim was in it to win it and it was so obvious. I think both Angela and Shandi dodged a bullet, and Kari is with Tanner now, so there is no chance that Ben is dating Kari again, that is a promise. Best of luck to them, but again, I don’t believe Ben knows what he wants. I only hope that Angela did not give in to him.
Angela’s purity pledge was a deal breaker. Good for Ben to come to his senses in the real world. I blame the matchmakers, knowing Ben does not share her views, she should not have passed the screening test for the show. She should go to Christian Mingle, where she would find someone who believes in purity as well. She makes no sense to me because she obviously makes out when she is in a relationship (very tempting and requires a lot of self restraint). This is supposed to continue until her wedding night, what a raw deal for someone who doesn’t share views. Watching the proposal last night I did not see any chemistry between them, sorry.
I completely agree with you on this Lexi. The same goes for Shandi since she boasts about her Christian values on Twitter but yet, you accept dating a man who has probably only seen a bible as a decorative item in his parents home. Ben being the kissing whore on the show, should’ve done Angela the favor and not even strung her along knowing he wasn’t strong enough to only try copping a feel on her!
Mar Le, I am glad you see my point. Believe me, there is a side of me that thinks Ben is not that innocent. I agree with you earlier point about looking for his 15 secs of fame. I read tweets from Kari where she explained that it was Ben who asked her several times to go on the show. This screams dishonesty to me.
But I don’t get Angela and Shandi, the 2 Christian girls. They have both posted pictures of themselves dressed like temptresses on twitter. It will be extremely difficult for a male who doesn’t share Angela’s views to be in a relationship with her. The enticing images of her, make out sessions and staying a virgin all mixed together. What a feat!!.
I think Ben went on the show for the wrong reasons, looking for his 15 secs of fame. A man honestly looking for love wouldn’t sign up to do a show knowing the girls are from all parts of the country. He knows he lives a busy life and I’m also sure he was aware they couldn’t make the relationship public for a few months and he still went through with it. A true man who’s in love will make all types of sacrifice no matter where the girl lives.