There is a serious situation happening in the federal government: they can’t stop partying! Freshly in the wake of the GSA (General Services Administration) scandal, where government officials spent way too much tax payer money partying in Las Vegas, we have a brand new partying scandal emerging: reports are surfacing that U.S. Secret Service agents were recently in Colombia soliciting prostitutes! I mean…What is going on?!!!! And why can’t the federal government stop partying so hard?
Apparently U.S. Secret Service agents were partying at a night club in Cartagena Columbia and met some escorts (BTW, every time I hear about the city Cartagena, I can’t help thinking about 1984’s wildly popular action-adventure movie ‘Romancing the Stone,’ starring Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas and Danny DiVito. But, I digress…). According to one escort, a U.S. Secret Service agent asked her to come back to the hotel. She allegedly said it would cost him $800. (Damn, so much for a strong dollar!) She went back to the room and had sex with the agent, but when the agent refused to pay the next morning, the two had a face-off.
Here is my favorite quote from the escort from an article in The New York Times: “I tell him, Baby, my cash money.” Allegedly, the agent refused to pay insisting he was drunk during the verbal agreement, but offered her $30 for “services” (what an insult!). When he refused to pay, the woman tracked down Colombian police officers in the hotel who argued on her behalf.
And apparently this story was not an isolated incident, because the sex scandal forced 11 Secret Service agents out of service on suspicion of hiring prostitutes on this trip. Additionally, at least five military serviceman are also suspected of “carousing” in Columbia.
Ok, so maybe they were just trying to let off a little “totally legal” steam here. I mean, guarding the president has gotta be a high stress job. But are Secret Service agents really this lax on out-of-the-country assignments? Especially in a country at the epicenter of the South American drug cartels? And what may be most troubling about this situation is how unfazed the public seems to be in the wake of these countless stories emerging about the government partying!
Remember, in 2010, the story of SEC employees spending hours on adult sites as the economy was collapsing due to lack of oversight? The Securities and Exchange Commission are supposed to police the financial industry, but they were too busy spending up to eight hours a day accessing adult sites to notice the economy was being destroyed by the likes of schemers like Bernard Madoff.
One SEC accountant even used his SEC-issued computer to upload his own sexually explicit videos onto adult websites he joined. While another attempted to access adult sites over 16,000 times in a single month!
What is going on!?
And the stories just go on and on. Remember the scandal at the Minerals Management Service in 2008? Reports showed “a culture of substance abuse and promiscuity” by the Minerals Management Service, which collects about $4 billion a year in oil and gas rather than in cash royalties. One of the reports said that Gregory W. Smith, former head of the Lakewood MMS office, even had sex and took illegal drugs with subordinates.
Smith also told investigators he and one of his employees “used cocaine together on approximately four or five occasions over a multi-year period.”
Then there were the two women named in the report, Stacy Leyshon and Crystel Edler, who were known in the energy industry as the “MMS chicks”. According to the report, Leyshon accepted approximately $2,887 in meals, drinks and golf outings on at least 74 occasions between 2002 and 2006. When questioned, the employees told investigators that they needed to socialize with oil company executives in order to gain information. Wow! Wait a second…they had to party hard to gain info from oil company execs? Who is actually in charge here? The U.S. government or the oil companies? And how did partying become part of the job description?
I mean…I am all for blowing off a little steam with co-workers, but I think we just may have a situation here. We all saw the pictures of Hillary kickin’ back having a beer in Columbia. That is so acceptable. But soliciting prostitutes and doing lines of coke while on the clock? I’m not trying to be Judgy Judgerton here, but I’m just saying MAYBE its time to pull the reigns in a bit D.C….!!

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