
Andi Dorfman slams show and former contestants in new book

Andi Dorfman has a brand new book coming out in a few days, A Single State Of Mind, and she is throwing some serious shade at the show that made her a household D-List name. My first question is: does anyone sign an NDA on this show? Courtney Robertson, Emily Maynard and Andi Dorfman all … Read more

Did someone cheat in Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray’s relationship?

Everyone wants to know what could have possibly gone wrong in the seemingly perfect relationship of Bachelorette Andi Dorfman, 27 and Josh Murray, 30. The first question is always, did someone cheat? Remember the rumors about Josh Murray cheating with his ex girlfriend Brittany McCord? But an insider told PEOPLE magazine, “There was no cheating, … Read more

Are Josh Murray and Andi Dorfman faking their relationship as part of a business arrangement?

Wow! We recently received this nugget of information from an insider on 27-year-old Georgia Assistant District Attorney Andi Dorfman and her new 29-year-old Financial Planner fiance Josh Murray’s  troubled relationship. “His mother’s friend is like the town crier, gossiping about every little thing this couple does and acting like she is Josh’s publicity agent…….According to her, Josh’s clients … Read more

Nick Viall releases his secret letter to Andi Dorfman

On The After the Final Rose episode of The Bachelorette we finally learned the story behind the secret letter that 33-year-old runner-up Nick Viall delivered to Andi at The Men Tell All show. It was clear that Nick was heart-broken when Andi explained that she did not reciprocate his feelings. Nick felt certain she was … Read more

Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray moving in together and planning a wedding!

Monday night the epic journey of Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray ended in the Dominican Republic with a proposal! And for once it looks like this couple may actually make it! Now that the fanfare has died down the exciting part begins–the relationship. Andi claimed on ATFR that she and Josh live 5 minutes apart … Read more

Enneagram breakdown of Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray relationship. Will it work?

Ok! So the 9-week journey has come to a dramatic end and now the hard part begins….the relationship. ABC doesn’t have the BEST reputation for finding love in 9 weeks for people BUT to their credit they do have some success and I think this will be another win. In fact, last night reminded me … Read more

Andi Dorfman addresses Nick Viall’s sex claim

Last night on After the Final Rose 33-year-old runner-up Nick Viall attempted to persuade Andi Dorfman to pull a Jason Mesnick and dump fiance Josh Murray and choose him, but it back-fired. Once Nick was shut down by Andi, he got mean and took a shot at the Bachelorette….asking her “why she slept with him” … Read more

How much did Andi Dorfman’s engagement ring cost?

There’s no question Andi Dorfman seriously scored this season of The Bachelorette. She got ridiculously hot fiance that lives 5 minutes away from her in Atlanta and she got the most expensive Neil Lane engagement ring in the show’s history. The ring is a Neil Lane Classic Double Tiered Oval Shaped Diamond, Platinum Ring according … Read more

Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray on GMA!

It is Bachelorette tradition for the winning couple to stop by GMA the morning after The Bachelorette finale airs (Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrel skipped this due to his abysmal publicity). But lucky for us, Andi Dorfman and her new fiance Josh Murray were thrilled to share their story with the world today! Dorfman … Read more

Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray on Jimmy Kimmel!

Last night ABC reminded us of why we LOVE The Bachelor/ette! Andi and Josh are sooo cute together! In fact I’d say it’s sort of miraculous that a relationship like this emerged from this process! But 27-year-old Assistant District Attorney Andi Dorfman found her soulmate in 29-year-old Financial Planner Josh Murray  who BTW lives 5 minutes away … Read more