The pumps have touched down and it’s not on the freshly wetted driveway of The Bachelor mansion. It’s on the freshly waxed runway of Logo’s amazing creation: RuPaul’s Drag Race. ABC better WATCH OUT because what the amazing ladies of The Bachelor were not bringing this season, the even more amazing ladies on RuPaul’s Drag Race have been BRINGIN’ in a serious way!!!!!! [Note: I’m going to have to classify this post under “personal situations” because I am OBSESSED with this show!!!]
This is a work of sheer television genius. When you first see the contestants, you can’t imagine these conventional gentleman could transform into such fierce amazing ladies. I mean, to start we have Latrice Royale, a plus-sized super-sassy, no-nonsense, straight-talking black gentleman that spent years in the slammer. He looks like he would put you in a choke-hold at the mere suggestion that he put a dress and make-up on, but quite the contrary!!!
This girl loves to get bejeweled and dipped in pretty sauce and work the runway with her curves and sassy soulful charm! She looks like an exotic large and in charge African queen on the runway…and I do mean QUEEN! (although I believe she said she is Polynesian, just like fellow contestant Jiggly Caliente). This girl needs to run her own country…and I wanna live in it.
Then we have Jiggly Caliente, the balding, plus-sized, short Polynesian man with serious self-esteem and people skills issues who transforms into a fierce Polynesian plus-sized Barbie with dance moves that can’t even be imagined! I mean when this girl “lip-syncs for her life” — a lip-syncing face-off between the bottom two contestants at the end of every episode — she seriously lip-syncs for HER LIFE! I mean, the moves! The charisma! The Jiggly-ness! It’s simply a-mazing.
Jiggly was my favorite this season. I loved how seriously she took all of her challenges and how earnestly she perseverated on how to work the color orange in the “Stonewall” episode challenge. When she walked the runway in that miniature boat in the one-piece bathing suit and cape it moved me. She ended up having to “lip-sync for her life” that night to Lady Gaga’s “Born this Way,” but she killed it and was spared from elimination for yet another week. Note: if you haven’t seen it check it out here:
Then there is Sharon Needles — the ’90s grunge, anti-glam, bitchy, angry goth/punk rock girl that makes Courtney Love look like Taylor Swift. Sharon definitely has the gift of gab. She really shined in the challenges that required off-the-cuff dialogue like in the Snatch Game where she brilliantly portrayed guest judge Michelle Visage.
Her bitchi-ness is brilliantly counter-balanced by a keen sense of self-awareness and surprising kindness that has made her a fan favorite. Sharon breaks off some amazing unscripted life-coaching nuggets in the Interior Illusions Lounge to contestants cracking under the intense pressure (I just love how seriously the contestants take their drag aspirations). She may have been the dark horse in this “race,” with her anti-glam take on drag, but she surprisingly has made it to the finale tonight and may just win.
Of course, we can’t forget Chad Michaels, who is so impressive and professional. She is clearly the veteran of the crew and has honed her drag skills to absolute perfection over 20 years. And her drag box full of uber chic 90s couture is nothing short of amazing. She lives here in San Diego and my secret fantasy is that she will invite the two biological ladies here at OK! Here is the Situation to come play in her box.
I know when you’re a drag queen doing Cher is quite a cliche, but her Cher impression is beyond entertaining and realistic. Just the assortment of wigs alone is reason to watch. Chad is also the nicest of the bunch too. She is always the first to help the other contestants with their sewing skills or an extra pair of pantyhose and as Sharon Needles so eloquently said, “Somehow you’ve managed to be in this business for 20 years without being a f@cK!in@ B!tch and I don’t know how you did it.”
Filling those shoes is Phi Phi O’Hara — the B!tch of the show. I want to root for her because she is so pretty, but she is also so cut-throat and mean. Phi Phi is always sabotaging fellow contestants. I mean, telling Jiggly to play bulimia “seriously” instead of funny knowing comedy was her strong suit and then her constant lashing out at the slightest dig from other contestants.
She has the most issues with other contestants for sure–always starting a bitch-fight. This girl will stop at nothing to win and that strategy may just work. I just think this girl has a lot of potential but she has got to stop taking herself so seriously and learn to roll with the punches. I mean, I appreciate how seriously she takes her Drag career but relax girl! You’re an entertainer!
Needless to say, this is clearly the Olympics of amazing lady-dom! These characters are INTERESTING and fun to watch and I highly suggest Bachelor producers refer to the show to see the casting genius. OK, OK, I get that The Bachelor can’t cast drag queens as the 25 amazing ladies, but where are their real female doppelgangers? Clearly, we are Bachelor fans here at OK! Here is the Situation, but let’s be honest: if it weren’t for Courtney Robertson, this past season would have been a dud. (Thank you, Courtney Robertson!)
The Bachelor is not about watching someone find love or handing out roses or going on one-on-ones….it is about situations (hence the name of our site)! We love the situations! And we love the characters that bring them. RuPaul’s Drag Race is amazing in that it casts characters that transform and embody charisma and femininity in a way that is nothing short of genius and total professionalism. They may not be biological ladies but there is no doubt they are LADIES in how they carry themselves and handle the serious array of situations that take shape on the show.
Basically, RuPaul’s Drag Race is giving our #1 fandom for The Bachelor a run for its amazing lady money!