Never before has there been a bigger disparity between reality and well….reality. There is no doubt Romney is having serious problems drumming up enthusiasm, but you would never know that from his stellar performance in the GOP primary. He has effortlessly swept the primaries this year — killing the competition.
Judging from these impressive results, you would think Romney had an uber-enthusiastic assortment of dedicated followers pinning their hopes and dreams on this rising GOP mega-superstar. But the reality is quite the opposite. It was perhaps best exemplified in an appearance in a Detroit stadium (in a state where his father was once a popular governor) where an embarrassingly small number of people showed up to support the candidate (not even 1% of the stadiums 65000 person capacity–OUCH!!!).
Needless to say, something is not right with this picture. Now, I’m not an Obama supporter, but I also don’t support any sort of election shenanigans and the GOP has been caught multiple times in multiple states manipulating election results in the 2012 Republican primary in order to ensure victory for corporate America’s darling Mitt Romney. After all, Romney did say “Corporations ARE people.”
Fraud at the North Dakota Caucus:
Illegally removing cameras from the convention in Missouri:
Iowa election fraud:
Fox News show cancelled for supporting Paul:
Chairman of Nevada caucus took votes audibly: Did nothing to ensure the individuals were actually delegates:
Chair of Clinton County Iowa Republican Party Central Committee reports happenings by Romney campaign:
Shenanigans in Maine: