If by some chance you are still following the Occupy movement then you have seen the barrage of costumed protesters calling for a “Robin Hood tax” to allegedly transfer wealth from the rich to the poor. But when you look closer at the proposal you see the initiative is nothing more than a power grab by the global banks and the same global elite that currently control the world.
It claims to go after Wall Street speculators but again one look and you’ll see the truth:
“The small tax – 50 cents per $100 – would be levied on stock-trading”.
Thus the tax is a tax on ALL stock sales, anyone with a pension or 401k will be paying this tax. Obviously it’s not just the rich that have pensions or retirement accounts. It’s teachers, firefighters, factory workers, store clerks, etc. It’s a tax hike on them.
Thus once again we see this movement to go after the wealthy elite actually hurting the

middle-class, the working-class and retired people. I stopped following Occupy months ago after realizing it was a George Soros funded, coordinated effort to use legitimate outrage at banks and corporate America to transfer even more wealth and power to those individuals using the social justice platform.
Their own website robinhoodtax.org clues you in to their true motives and who is behind it. Here is an excerpt from a recent press release:
“52 former and current financiers have written to David Cameron and other European and world leaders calling on them to back Financial Transaction Taxes (FTTs) to raise revenue for “people in urgent need at home and in the world’s poorest countries”.
The letter, signed by senior figures from Wall Street, the City of London and other financial institutions from across Europe, says that FTTs “will rebalance financial markets away from a short-term trading mentality that has contributed to instability in our financial markets. They also have the potential to raise significant revenue”.
Signatories include Arielle de Rothschild, Managing Director of the Rothschild Group; Andreas Neukirch, President, GLS Bank, Germany; Barry Marshall, former Chief Operating Officer of Gartmore Group; and Dr William Barclay former senior Vice President of the Chicago Stock Exchange, as well as eight former high-level executives from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.”
The list reads like a whose who of who caused this global crisis!! I mean Rothschild? high-level executives from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan? Are you kidding me?
Please don’t fall for this political theater. If they truly wanted a “Robin Hood” style tax they would create a tax that literally targeted the rich…the actual rich not a couple making $250,000 a year or a teacher making $60,000 a year.
They would go after corporations that hide their wealth offshore. They would go after people who buy and sell stocks the same day. They would go after Goldman Sachs and their practice of flash-trading where they buy and sell 1000s of stocks a second. They would make it so big corporations like BP and Walmart actually had to pay taxes. They would reinstate Glass Steagall so we would stop paying for Wall Street’s bad bets. They wouldn’t incite a tax on average working-class Americans.
I have been warning people for a while to be very cautious of the solutions being proposed by Occupy. And now we see what Occupy was about all along–a global effort to channel real anger at corporate greed into a tax, a means of transferring more wealth from the global working class to the corporate elite.
Please pass the word on! Write a blog about it, contact your Congresspeople, we need to get the word out before it’s too late!