The prophecies of both Nostradamus and St. Malachy have both suggested the new Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, will be the last Pope. The late Pope John Paul 11 was supposedly the Third Last Pope. The next, and perhaps very last, Pope was thought to be a contest between Gianfranco Ravasi, the current Culture Minister for the Vatican, and Angelo Scola, the current Archbishop of Milan but alas the Catholic church picked a non-European. And the world is wondering: Is this ‘Peter the Roman’ that St. Malachy prophecied?
Where is the connection to Peter? And Rome?…keep reading….it’s astounding.
St. Malachy says the following of the upcoming Pope:
112 Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations;
when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and
the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end.

And here is what Nostradamus said:
This quatrain suggests a date of when the Vatican will have to conduct a Papal election.
Nostradamus Quatrain X-91
Roman clergy in the year 1609,
At the first of the year holding an election:
A gray and black king issued of the Companion [classmate],
Never was there one so wicked as he.
There is also a prediction that the Pope will go into exile (likely referring to Benedict stepping down last month):
Nostradamus Quatrain II-41
The great gaseous celestial body will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make the Sun appear doubled:
The big mastiff will howl all night,
When the great Pontiff will change countries.
Obviously the two prophets agreed that this Pope would not be benevolent. But Jorge appears to be the polar opposite of the previous Pope Benedict who looked like he drank the blood of children and was very culpable in all the pedophilia scandal.
He is humble. He champions the poor. He takes public transportation, Hell, he even travels commercial. But before you get too excited about a new honorable, compassionate, humble Pope, consider this….this new trajectory towards a sort of global socialism where the mantra is “helping the poor”, everyone “paying their fair share” coming from the United Nations and the World Bank and billionaires –Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, alike….is the NWO strategy to implement global tyranny 2.0. (I have long said beware of all this talk about “helping the poor”—what it really means is a global tax, global committees to oversee global justice which no doubt will be the IMF and the World Bank.)
And get ready to hear the term “robin-hood tax” from the Vatican. They could have never gotten away with endorsing a global tax that goes to global banks to help the poor with Benedict flying around in his private Leer jet.
So how do we get to “Peter the Roman”?

Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio; 17 December 1936 is the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church, elected 13 March 2013. From 1998 until today, he served as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, so how in the world could he be “the Roman”?
Well how did Jorge get the Catholic name Francis? Well as you may suspect, to honor St. Francis, the patron saint of the poor.
St. Francis of Assisi baptized Giovanni, born Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone (notice Pietro is the Italian word for Peter as in “Peter the Roman”).
Francis was born wealthy but rejected his worldly life and on a pilgrimage to Rome, he joined the poor in begging at St. Peter’s Basilica–(the same basilica where lightning struck just hours after Benedict stepped down). The experience moved him to live in poverty.
He was also the first recorded person to bear the wounds of Christ’s Passion.
On July 16, 1228, he was pronounced a saint by Pope Gregory IX. He is known as the patron saint of animals, the environment, and is one of the two patron saints of Italy (again, Peter, the Roman). Thus if there are only two patron saints in Italy, that would make him Peter, THE Roman as opposed to Peter A Roman. (BTW The NWO is coming under the banner of sustainability and social justice….Cap and Trade for example).
Francis also founded the Holy See (seat), Santa Sede (Satan’s seat), or “chair of St Peter” in Venice, Italy. His father’s name Pietro, and his name Giovanni Roman.
Not to mention the fact that Newt Gingrich is fawning over this new Pope and the idea of “helping the poor”—-need I say more. (BTW, you may want to see Arizona Wilder’s interview with David Icke where she discusses Gingrich and his true nature).
Francis is the first Jesuit and the first Latin American to be elected Pope and he is the first non-European pope in 1200 years.
So get ready……even the prophecy suggests people will LOVE this Pope for some time but again…
“Never was there one so wicked as he.”
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There is credibility to Saint Malachy’s prophecy:
This pope is of Italian (Roman) descent.
He chose the name of Francis…. obviously because of his dedication to the ministry of Saint Francis of Assisi (Whose full name was Francisco Di Pietro—-That is “Peter”).
so to say that Saint Malachy’s prophcy failed is a bit premature…. as time goes on, we will see that Saint Malachy was right on target.
Is it too much a coincidence that Bergoglio sounds too much alike broglio which in Italian means fraud?