Jodi Arias reflection in Travis eye suggests multiple killers
I have never believed that Jodi Arias acted alone. If you look at the evidence, specifically what she did to kill Travis, it just seems impossible that a single female could have perpetrated the crime. And now new evidence: the reflection in Travis’ eye, suggests the possibility of multiple killers at the crime scene.

Jodi Arias allegedly stabbed Travis 29 times, shot him in the face, and slit his throat from ear to ear–all while taking photographs. When you actually see the crime scene photos and the magnitude of the stabbing wounds–I mean she practically decapitated Travis, it is really hard to believe she was physically capable of inflicting such injury.
For that reason I never believed she acted alone. Additionally, Travis was stabbed before he was shot which also makes the single killer theory more improbable. And if you look at this photo in his right eye you can see what appears to be the reflection of two people.
Defense expert Bryan Neumeister an image enhancement expert testified in the court trial that this photo reveals a reflection of Jodi Arias in Travis’ eye, holding the camera. (Of course the defense at this point, can’t change their course and claim there were two killers so their expert will have to ignore the two people in the reflection).
So why would she take the heat for anyone else?
Well for one she obviously has severe psychological problems which may make her easier to manipulate. For another, its likely that she has been promised that if she takes the heat she will not go to prison, but if she doesn’t they will bury her.
UPDATE: Jodi Arias found guilty of 1st degree murder
Travis family files a wrongful death lawsuit
Jodi Arias Dissociative Disorder?
Jodi Arias Conspiracy theories
Arias originally said there were two intruders – white Americans with beanies covering their faces – came into the bathroom while Alexander was in the shower.
“I think he was shot … I heard this loud ring – I don’t remember. Travis was screaming. I know I got hit in the head … There were two people there … one was a guy and one was a girl … The girl wanted to kill me,” Arias said.
Arias claimed she ran into a closet, and one of the intruders stopped her and held a gun to her head and they struggled. Arias said, and she ran to help Alexander but the intruders said:
“He said ‘Don’t you call anybody . . . you get one chance’ … he said ‘Leave now’ … I just wanted to get out,” Arias said, adding that she fled the area in her vehicle.
“I was really scared. I was freaked out of my mind,” she said.
“I understand all the evidence is really compelling,” she said in the interview. “In a nutshell, two people came in and killed Travis. I’ve never even shot a gun. That’s heinous. I can’t imagine slitting anyone’s throat.”
She went on to tell the interviewer, “No jury will convict me and you can mark my words on that. … I am innocent.”
Arias made that statement to the television show “Inside Edition” after she was indicted for murdering Alexander.
It remains to be seen if a jury will convict her. The defense Attorney’s have presented exhaustive testimony and less than impressive expert witnesses in an attempt to convince jurors that Jodi killed Travis in self defense. I am certainly not buying what the defense is spinning BUT I do think Jodi is innocent (of 1st degree murder at least). I think she was a pawn in a more insidious and premeditated crime. I think she is also a victim.
It will be interesting to see if Travis’ family files a wrongful death lawsuit. Often times wrongful death cases reveal more than criminal trials.
So we continue to wait patiently for a verdict in this very complex situation.
More on Jodi Arias having Borderline Personality Disorder
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I always thought she talked someone into helping her murder Travis too. She probably told someone he “abused” her and was a”pedophile”. She had help.
Try the opportunistic LSD “church,” who, out of 15 million zealots, not one, took the admonitions of bringem to Brigham, young; “Is there a man among us, who would not kill his brother, to save his eternal soul,” and, in accordance, performed the assisted suicide, atonement ritual, to, what else, but, save Travis’s eternal soul, redemptions, for his contemptible ways ??? Then, of course, for such attrition, Saint Travis, got a thousand person wake, as his eternal soul, ascended, to his own kingdom, with all those virgin angels; to be so rewarded for what got him atoned for here, to, trade Jodi, in on his ascension; to be rewarded there, for, what got him snuffed, for, here, as if, Jodi, also, so programmed, would let him, blow her off, whatwith, such premeditation, and, jealous, alleged, rage….. Does all of this soap opera, even begin to compute, for all you third grade Nobel laureate, brainwashees….??? …Snidely…Edgrrr… Snidely… Edgrrr…
The second crime, was proven, by the ejected brass shell, landing upon, five day dried blood; also, proven, by the feebleminded ruse to set Jodi, up for, the precision first and, separate crime; as if, the hysterical stabfest, and, gunshot, “wounds,” did not bleed, because, dead bodies, don’t bleed…. Did the Mormon, lead defective detective, not, recognize the heart plunge, ear to ear slice, coroners,’ “cause of death,” as a Mormon ritual; long claimed, abandoned…??? Did the blood atonement, ritual, just, not, get, reinstated; as if, it was ever admitted…..??? …Snidely….Edgrrr…
There were four people at the site, as evidenced, by the photos; which, the spastic prosecutor, twisted, into, evidence, not, for, but, evidence…. FOUR… Travis… Bigfoot, see, bloody bootprint…the small foot, in a black sock, as if, there were no people at the other end of those feet… and, Jodi, taking pictures; proven, to be, many feet, from, each subject…. Concealed, by, the three million dollar, bribed, defense, and, the hypnonauseating, prosecutor…. Snidely… Edgrrr…
…evidence, against…. then, recanted, after his three stooges, lies, at law; also, recanted, scammed, for the stooges, an interstate kidnapping, and, two million dollar, ransom, bail, demand; left, unaltered, even after, admitting, to perjuries of, process; and, no rescision of the extradition, despite, the repudiated, lies, at law…. Snidely…. Edgrrr…
The recant, was based upon the concealment of the fact, that, known from day one,Jodi, never fired a gun, as, proven by no gunpowder particulates,in the combined blood, handprint… and, prior to the recant, and, abandonment of format, where did the spastic prostitutor, get, his orders, from, and, why was there, no motion to dismiss, for, prosecutorial fraud, and, why, no bleat from the jury, sheeple, upon the continuation, in reverse, and, no motion, to the governors, to also recant…..??? Snidely….. Edgrrr…
Four people, minimum, plus, whatever, quasireligious fanatics, officiated….. Snidely….Edgrrr…
Jodi is DEF MPD and most likely MK’d. There are thousands, if not MILLIONS like her out there! That Elizabeth Vargas is a DEMON. Can’t anyone else see that in her eyes???? She may be a ‘monarch’ also.
I agree 100%
What does MK’d mean?
Mk’d is referring to MK-Ultra. It’s a CIA, proven through many documents and also through the Canadian victims who won a lawsuit (back in the 1980’s) against the CIA and the torturous methods done in mental health facilities. Basically, it’s splitting a person’s psyche through the use of sexual abuse, forced drugs, sometimes they’ll use ECT treatment, etc. The goal being to create multiple different personalities, all compartmentalized and able to be called out by a specific word,phrase,objects,symbols or hand gesture
I never thought she acted alone eaither.
MK’d….MK Ultra; what the govern mentals, do, to compartmentalize, post hypnotic suggestional responses, out of, otherwise, innocuous Sheeple….read, Tim McVey; getting credit for blowing up a building, to cover for internally planted explosives…. just like the spastic hypnonauseating dance, of the serial killer, prosecutor, Juan the Ripper, Murdering, Martinez Marionette…. Tweaking the dullards on the jury, and, the brain dead, judge…. Snidely….Edgrrr…
I never thought she acted alone either. When I questioned why she wouldn’t have told on the other person/people by now,someone pointed out that if she did, that would contradict her self defense claim. You know her ex.Bobby Juarez,was an extra on lost, and was making some weirdo “scary movie” with pics of a knife exactly like the one used on Travis.It’s on his Myspace page.Why wasn’t Matt McCartney ever called to testify?How many people did she visit in Cali before she finally got on the road to Az? Darryl, Matt,God knows who else. Was she looking for someone to go on the road trip with her?
I’m a Gemini also!!!
wow!!! Kelly, Thats the kind of info I love! I need to investigate this further. Shout out to the Geminis!!! Thanks for your comment. Keep me posted on anything else you find!
I am just learning about the trial in all its details. All I can say is “You got to be kidding”!!! There is no way that this small framed woman can tussle with a wet, slippery male and then manage to stab him multiple times; have no visible scars, no dna under his nails, no injury to her at all. C’mon people = Give Me A Break!
agree completely. and this idea that she is so together shed never admit to anything she did not do. So as much as I think she is a sociopath and should go to prison we are getting a false sense of closure when there are obv more ppl at fault here that will never be investigated.