So we are obsessed with NBC’s new/newly canceled dating show Ready for Love. Luckily we were able to continue on the “journey” with the eligible bachelors via Hulu. And one of the amazing things about the show are the matchmakers who painstakingly chose the 36 amazing ladies to date the three bachelors. And one of those three matchmakers is a very cute dude, Matthew Hussey. So naturally everyone assumes he is gay. What straight guy would ever get into the minutia of dating? Right?

Source: Twitter
Ha! Not so fast people.
It took a lot of digging, but it appears that Matthew is in fact straight. His website shares a story about how a woman walked into a room and caught his attention with her body language and that the interaction eventually lead to a relationship that he wasn’t expecting.

Now, clearly that is not fool-proof evidence. There are plenty of gay guys proclaiming they are straight, but if he is gay he is not out and about about it. Obviously, appearing as a straight guy may be imperative to protect his brand, but the evidence that he asserts is that he is straight.
In his intro he states this:
“Many of you don’t know me. But my name is Matthew Hussey, and I used to coach guys on how to get women.
And yes. That’s the exact opposite of what I do now. And it was the exact opposite of all my instincts.
You see, growing up I had a lot of girls in my family close to my age. And they all seemed to come home with stories of guys they were interested in… but who did not respect them.
So while they fell head over heels, they didn’t get the guy. These girls were often my cousins and loved ones, so I really felt for them.
As I coached guys on how to open up and attract women… I couldn’t help but feel I should be doing this for women. I wanted to help women, like my cousins, who needed to meet the man of their dreams but couldn’t seem to catch him and keep him.
After coaching thousands of guys and discovering EXACTLY what makes them tick, I finally realized I had what I needed to help women out.”

Source: Twitter
Matt Hussey now runs programs from New York to London, showing women how to attract a life-partner. He certainly is adorable and talented. His advice thus far on Ready for Love has been quite impressive. Who knows….maybe one of these amazing ladies will make a connection with him. He seems to have his eye on a certain twin….
More on Matthew Hussey including a cute new video of him and his mum…

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And lastly, to quote MH himself – ““Many of you don’t know me. But my name is Matthew Hussey, and I used to coach guys on how to get women.
And yes. That’s the exact opposite of what I do now. And it was the exact opposite of all my instincts.”
Coaching guys on how to get women were the exact opposite of all his instincts.
Sad day for women – Matthew, we love you. We absolutely love you and that is why this question burns for us. We want to know if there are any guys out there who really are as amazing as you. We want to know if it is possible for us to connect with a man the way you want to connect to us. I really believe that it is not from a mean spirit people want to know your orientation. I believe that it’s from wondering if Oz really exists or are we just dreaming an impossible dream?
You are beyond beautiful inside and out. How we wish you could be ours! All of us! I know, silly and impossible all at the same time. We couldn’t ALL possibly have you… please have this as your take-away: We women just want you for our own, even if only in our dreams… and that’s why we ask the question.
wow! that is very well said! thats exactly it. He’s just so cute and charismatic and seems to do all the right things. we want to know if he is available! Or if guys like him exist that are straight. hahaha!