Arie Luyendyk, Jr appears to be this season’s bad boy. Scandalous rumors have already been circulating about the 30 year old race car driver. We learned a few weeks ago from our fellow Bachelor Blogger/Chris Harrison lover Sophienette of Insomniac Ramblings that Luyendyk dated Bachelorette producer Cassie Lambert.
But apparently the story gets more scandalous as it appears that Arie allegedly impregnated another ex named Cassie according to Reality Steve (who must have a friend in the NSA wire-tapping Bachelor producer’s cell phones to get these extremely sensitive deets), but she unfortunately miscarried. (Sorry Cassie, that is a really tough situation).
We know that Emily flips out when she finds out Arie dated Lambert and I can’t imagine what she will do if she finds out he also knocked her up. We won’t reveal any more about the show than that because spoilers suck. (We stick to scandals outside the show).
Arie apparently got a new tattoo before the show to cover up the tattoo that once had Lambert’s name on it. (Wow!!! He must have been really into Cassie. I wonder how the Bachelor show producer she is engaged to feels about this? He sounds like he really falls IN LOVE!)
Allegedly both got matching tattoos with each other’s name. (Ok, seriously, when are people going to learn: I don’t care how “in love” you are, DO NOT get your girl/boyfriend’s name tattooed ANYWHERE on your body!)
Reality Steve, who we hate to source because we hate that he is the spoiler of all spoilers and also never gives other people credit, BUT according to RS Arie is a serious ladies man who was dating multiple girls, while hitting on other girls, and….here’s the worst part: staying with girls that his friends were actually dating.
And apparently things get a bit worse as the girls are all under the age of 24 and Arie is 30. RS also claims he was caught texting one of the girls he was dating before while on the set of the show (Ok, I thought contestants weren’t allowed to have their cell phones on set)
Well, it remains to be seen if any of this will play out on the show…let’s hope so because we need to PUMP UP THE VOLUME on this season of the Bachelorette.

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