The latest news about our favorite Bachelor dating amazing lady Justin Bieber’s mom begs the important question: What do we know about Momma Biebs, aka Pattie Mallette?
As Chris Harrison’s biggest and most enthusiastic fans, we clearly need to completely vet each and every amazing lady Chris Harrison dates. So now that we have learned about the big “one-on-one” date between Chris and Pattie last night we have some questions.
So who is Patricia Lynn “Pattie” Mallette besides being Justin Bieber’s mother?
Well to put it mildly, she’s had a rough go at life….
We know she is the 37-year-old French Canadian, Christian divorced mother who gave birth to teen singing sensation Justin Bieber at the age of 18 turning tween girls everywhere into Beliebers! We know the Biebs LOVES his mom! He talks about her all the time so he must be vetting Chris Harrison as we speak (so look no further Biebs we have done extensive research on CBH including a complete personality breakdown here).
Apparently at 21, Mallette decided to abstain from sex outside of marriage. And it sounds like she is still abstaining. So will Chris Harrison be the one to finally get Pattie to the “Fantasy Suite”?
We know she was quite poor and worked in low-salary jobs to take care of Justin. She also helped Justin post his videos

onto the interwebs.
She recently wrote a book called “Nowhere but Up: The story of Justin Bieber’s Mom,” about her painful past. (We know Chris Harrison is really good at talking about a “painful past”, but this one may be a challenge for even him).
Pattie Mallette was sexually abused and living alone at 18 in a home for pregnant girls when she gave birth to Justin. So her life was by no means easy. She eventually turned to God after a suicide attempt shortly before Justin was conceived. It sounds like Pattie is still coping with the demons that nearly killed her.
“Writing the book was part of my healing process,” she said in an interview. “Just having to relive things as I’m writing it down. There are parts that are still painful to go over.”
Her story is pretty rough…
“I was sexually violated so many times that as the years went by it began to feel normal,” she writes. “It’s a strange marriage — knowing something is wrong yet at the same time finding it familiar and commonplace.”
She took to drugs to deal with the pain and abuse — mainly pot and LSD. She left home at 16 and began living a life of crime to support her drug habit. And she engaged in a pretty dysfunctional, on-again-off-again, four-year relationship with Justin’s father, Jeremy Bieber, that began at age 15. And at 17, she threw herself in front of a truck and landed in a mental ward.
Wow!!! Chris may need all of his psychology degrees to assist with this situation.
Luckily Mallette turned to JC and the Christian life and quit dealing drugs and went on government assistance after Justin was born .
Apparently her and 6-year-old Justin also earned cash singing on the streets for money!
Good God! Who knew the Biebs life was such a mega situation!
She lives nearby Justin in Calabasas, CA.
When asked what Justin would think about suitors?
“I think he’s going to be a tough one to please,” Mallette said. “He’s pretty protective, but yeah, definitely, he would have to approve.”
I love it! It’s a great match…!
I know its pretty cute right?