Ok, so last night Bachelor Brad Smith got down on one knee and proposed to finalist Bianka Kamber and she said, YES. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. But, what does her engagement ring look like? That’s what inquiring minds want to freaking know!
Luckily, because the Interwebs are so amazing and because Bianka Kamber is so happy and gushing about her happiness on social media, we fans got a close-up of the ring Tweeted by Bianka herself:
Um, BEAUTIFUL! And, it’s big and amazing, but not ridiculous like Emily Maynard’s ring was. You know what they say about “the bigger the wedding and the bigger the ring the little-er the love” or something like that. I’m paraphrasing there and somewhat making that up, but maybe the “they” that said that is just me…. because I think there’s some truth to it.
We are so happy for Bachelor Brad Smith and Bianka Kamber!
I was a little worried that Bianka “just wasn’t that into him” for a while on the show, but I’m so glad to find out that she was just taking her time like a normal person would when it comes to finding love in an even-abbreviated-from-Bachelor-US kind of time frame.
UPDATE: 3:19:2014 Brad and Bianka announce their break up!
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