On the heels of an absolutely disastrous season 2 of Married at First Sight, the show presumably has been a lot more careful in vetting their contestants, particularly after the serious allegations against Ryan De Nino by his then wife Jessica Castro ….. but maybe not.
It looks like 29-year-old Atlanta Software account executive David Norton partnered with 30-year-old Ashley Doherty may have an arrest record…. and in Arizona of all places!
I know, “David Norton is a common name. How can you be sure it’s him?” Well to start someone is all over social media insisting this is him (I believe the allegations are probably coming from Ashley’s camp). That in and of itself is not solid evidence, but here is why it looks pretty likely that this is in fact him.
We accessed the arrest from 8/17/2007 and here it is…..
Case #: M-0750-CR-2007001033
Title: STATE OF ARIZONA VS NORTON D Category: Criminal
Court: Peoria Municipal Filing Date: 8/17/2007
Judge: None Disposition Date: 10/2/2007
DAVID T NORTON DEFENDANT – D 1 Date of Birth: 05/1985
Citation Count Description Disp. Date Disposition
As you can see the David Norton that was arrested in Arizona actually lived in West Babylon, New York per the arrest record. David would have been 21 at the time. And it looks like MAFS David was living in Arizona at the time (per Linkedin), but also in the process of relocating to somewhere near Hempstead, New York. This map shows you how close West Babylon is to New Hempstead—about 10 miles.
UPDATE 02/22/2016: David has admitted it is him and is responding
So MAFS David Norton would have been in the process of moving from Arizona to the West Babylon area of New York at the time of this arrest. Additionally the age is correct.

And the other odd piece of info is that the arrest record was requested the same week David and Ashley were married, which is odd considering the record has not been accessed in about 10 years. Why now? Was this the producers vetting? And did they discover the information too late in the process?
I am guessing that because David has lived in so many different states that they checked New York and Georgia for arrest records, but likely did not look at Arizona until it was too late.
Ok so what’s the big deal? He was arrested for “disorderly conduct”, who cares? He was ordered to participate in Domestic Violence classes as a result of the arrest and that could be a very big deal. https://apps.supremecourt.az.gov/pub…aselookup.aspx
So who knows. If this is true then producers could face a serious backlash for partnering these women with men that should have raised red flags for them. And this may explain why his wife Ashley has been so distant and unwilling to get close to David.
Photo Source: A&E
New details of the arrest
Married at First Sight David Norton and Ashley Doherty just in it for the money?
If you have any information on this case please contact us via email okhereisthesituation@gmail.com. We will keep your identity confidential. Thanks!
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Its amazin how MAFS protects n lies for a man who was ordered unto DV classes. Now they are attacking u as a fraud …
No kidding! Read the email I added from the woman who runs the bachandbachettefans.net forum. She is out of her FREAKING mind. They are so self righteous on there.. Apparently someone had posted a screenshot of Davids arrest on Feb 14th and she is accusing me of stealing it from her site. Of course she conveniently threw the screenshot away so she has nothing to compare the photos to. She has permanently banned anyone from posting links to my site as a result of this story.
The people on that page are the nastiest people I have ever met. Thats why I stopped going on the forum 2 years ago. They LOVE to attack me for some reason. Its bizarre.
Here is the bizarre email from the woman who runs the www.bachandbachettefans.net forum who goes by the pretentious name…..”Guardian Angel”.
The site was accusing me of stealing this information from them including the arrest screenshot which conveniently she remembers having but threw away so has no record of .
She then said she was permanently banning anyone from posting a link to my site on the forum — just in case you are on there and wondering why it was erased or why she keeps erasing links to this site (BTW I am not even a poster on the forum…someone simply posted a link to this story there).
This is my email asking her to stop making baseless allegations on the forum….that she was responding to,
“All I am asking is that you stop w/ these baseless allegations. If you choose not to post links from my site then I expect there to be no discussions about info that we are the source on and you will have a tough time explaining that to the sleuths given we often have a lot of inside info on The Bachelor.”
(After she said she would be removing any mention of my site everywhere—which is not Ok since the forums were discussing lots of info we were the source of on The Bachelor contestants).
This is her amazing response,
“I don’t care, don’t you understand. I do not care who had what first. All I care about is OUR members already posted the arrest information. You don’t understand, I do not care what you or anyone else think of our forum. I don’t care who gets what information first, last second, or never. We’ve had magazines from all over the country quote us, as well as Australia. I do not care who quotes us, and who doesn’t. I don’t care who steals stuff from us and who doesn’t. Our members have been sleuthing before you were born. We don’t need you or anyone else. NO one is allowed to post ANYTHING from your site. No mention of your site what so ever, or they will be permanently banned. DON’T tell me what to do. I’m NOT leaving your links on this forum. I’m not reading your emails.
“Leaving links” was just because I told her she could not erase the links without also erasing any of the information that was discussed from the links–which is simply BASIC copyright law. Guardian Angel wants her “sleuthers” to be able to discuss the info on her forum without any credit to the original source.
So she will likely continue attacking me. She also tried to say I was a fraud when I broke the news that Caila Quinn would be a contestant on The Bachelor which of course turned out to be true—she removed the links people posted sourcing me so no one knew where the info was coming from.
She is completely delusional and has some sort of vendetta against me. BTW I also received an email from her telling me she had been running these online forums since the 80s.
So keep this in mind when going on that forum and beware!!! It’s not a friendly forum.