Are Stacy Snyder and Izzy Zapata back together?
The season 5 Love is Blind finale and reunion was a bit bizarre. This season didn’t exactly see many successes at the altar or even success getting to the altar, but that didn’t mean the relationships weren’t still interesting to follow.
Stacy Snyder, 33, and Izzy Zapata, 31, were one of the couples that seemed like they had half a chance to make it down the aisle or at least to make it Instagram official.
Izzy was crazy and I mean crazy about Stacy, but things started to get bumpy when Stacy wanted to talk finances and when she learned about his credit score.
And in her defense Izzy did seem a little sketch. I mean does anyone actually know what his job is?
Cut to the wedding day and it seemed almost certain Stacy was going to say no at the altar and she did. But shockingly it seemed like a soft “no”. It was just more of an “I’m not ready to do this quite yet” than a hard “NO”.

Stacy tells Izzy in front of the eager wedding guests, “I would be doing you and I a disservice right now to say yes when I feel like there’s a lot of things that we need. And more than anything, we need time”.
And it sounded like Izzy was happy with her answer because it meant things weren’t over.
Then Stacy promptly runs outside to be alone. Then cameras catch up with Izzy and he’s in tears. So I feel like the producers edited a very important scene here and cut some important footage.
When the two speak outside, Izzy laments that he feels like Stacy is more “relieved” than upset about this conclusion. Izzy seems very offended by how happy she seems to be done with the experiment and he rejects her desire to start over saying he feels like they would be “going backwards,” and that a timeline didn’t matter for him. Honestly I think it was Stacy constantly saying she was “so relieved it was over” that pushed Izzy to say no to her lukewarm suggestion that they continue casually dating.
“It’s like she’s always trying to find something wrong,” he tells cameras.
Anyhow Sunday’s reunion episode there was still a small possibility that the two had reconnected.
So what’s their status now?
Despite sharing a kiss after the show the two confirmed that they are no longer together and that they didn’t really speak to each other for a full year.
But they also said after their wedding day they spent the week apart to gather their thoughts, and then met up to discuss.
Emotional Izzy said he could sense something was off with Stacy and that when he asked her if she was still “feeling this,” she said no.
“I was so mad at her after that because I thought we were really going to try,” …… “I was so upset I just walked out and I just didn’t talk to her for a year.”
Stacy said she felt like they were in different places.
“I felt like we needed to start over and I feel like you were like, ‘If we’re starting over, going backwards, I don’t want to do it,'” Stacy said.
The two randomly ran into each other at a Houston bar after a full year of no contact.
“We did share a kiss, but we both knew it was best not to hurt each other again or confuse each other again,” Izzy explained. “We appreciated more just having each other back in each other’s lives and our friends. We’re bros.”
Izzy went on to reveal that Stacy now gives him relationship advice and that he has a new girlfriend that he is really in to. In fact, TMZ spotted the hot Puerto Rican with a sexy mystery blonde female at Hermosa Ink Collective Monday, October 4th in Hermosa Beach, CA.
As for Stacy she also indicated that she is in a successful relationship and is happy.
Izzy also revealed that sadly his father Ismael “Smiley” Zapata had passed away soon after shooting in June of 2022.
Season 5 of Love Is Blind as well as the reunion special are currently streaming on Netflix.