Ok, so we love to take to Twitter to stalk our favorite E-list celebrities, and I was just looking for hints about the Rachel Truehart and Michael Stagliano situation today… and now I need a flow chart to understand what is happening! There are just so many Bachelor Pad hookups happening!
Forget love triangles….the Pad is producing love trapezoids!!!
We are all hoping things work out with Michael and Rachel, who clearly like each other on the show, but some hints in the Twitter-verse are suggesting other relationships are developing off camera.
I know we mentioned this photo before, but we didn’t think much of it because Bachelor events are always happening all year long (which is amazing).
Not to mention Wetpaint was reporting from their “sources” that a hook-up between Chris and Rachel may be imminent, which makes us think it’s probably false. But after looking at Rachel’s Twitter, I saw some tweeting from Chris Bukowski.
@chrisjbukowski: Remember when it was cool to pull all nighters? Well, it’s not so cool. RT ‘Im wide awake’.
Chris also tweets he is in NYC now…..Hmmmmm
I mean I know Pad stars often hook-up, but I did not see this coming. Chris was being stalked by Blakeley and Jamie…how did he get to Rachel??
Jaclyn Swartz had a conference call with the media on Thursday. She gives us some insight into how that love triangle gets even BIGGER and more “real”.
She claims on Monday’s episode of Bachelor Pad the Chris/Blakeley/Jamie triangle expands!! As Chris suddenly notices Sarah!
“You’ll see things completely blow up. I was so happy not to be part of that.” We love it when things “blow up” — gotta love Jaclyn’s biting honesty — she is one of our faves. She insists Chris was leading Jamie on in a serious way — so she obviously has insight that he is “just not that into her”.
“He’s like juggling these girls, and they’re still coming back for more,” she said.
It’s ironic that the only two in a monogamous relationship on this season of Bachelor Pad are Lindzi Cox and bad-boy Kalon McMahon!….who genuinely appear to be in love.
Then there is the curious case of Jaclyn and Ed, who I thought for sure were just friends, even after the Pad hook-up, since Ed is seeing someone back home that he was seeing prior to the show… and he is supposedly still seeing her. But, Jaclyn and Ed seem awfully close and she recently tweeted:
Jaclyn Swartz: “I Will Be In Ed Swiderski’s Life For A Long Time”.
Of course Ed famously hooked up with Sarah Newlon right out of the gate (and Sarah allegedly hooked up with Reid at a Bachelor event in Las Vegas, but Reid was supposedly staying faithful for girlfriend Miss USA), but tonight she hooks up with Chris Bukowski!
Flow-chart please!!!!
Good God!!! This is getting so complicated….

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