Looks like producers are at it again. They love to tease us fans by sending the lead on one-on-ones to wedding chapels and engagement ring stores. And according to Bachelor jeweler Neil Lane, Sean Lowe will be bringing an amazing lady to pick out jewelry for their one-on-one date during The Bachelor 2013 season. Wow! Lucky lady!
Neil Lane boasted “I’m seeing […] Sean Lowe, on Saturday for a date,” “He’s choosing a girl, and will be bringing her to meet with me. Then we’re going to choose jewelry for her to wear!”
Apparently Sean and the nameless amazing lady visited the jewelry store Saturday night according to EntertainmentGather.com
So, apparently the date was a success and Sean was caught by some Bachelor stalkers in shrubbery outfits with telephoto lenses making out with his one-on-one.
Alright well we can hardly wait for the situations to begin!
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