Photo: ABC
My Mom really gave the best recap of this week’s season premiere of The Bachelorette ever in an email: “Enjoyed Bachelorette – she is really pretty – not impressed with shirtless guy.”
I mean, that really sums it up nicely!
The night’s other “situations” were as follows:
1. The CinDESrella storyline dealio has got to stop. I really hope it was just a promo opener angle and that they’re going to drop it from here on out. Yes, we know she was poor. We blogged about how she grew up poor. But, it’s really going to get old fast if she keeps yammering on and on about it, a la AshLee Frazier and being adopted.
2. THE HASHTAG GUY. I kind of love-hate the hashtag guy (Kasey). I hope he continues to blurt out “hashtag!” all season long. How amazing would it be if he ended up making it to the end and if he got down on one knee and said “hashtag will you marry me?” Let’s make it happen Desiree!
3. Diogo Custodio’s suit of armor was just too much! I mean, there are so many other ways you could dress up as a knight without having to don an entire metallic suit. I give him major props and even Tweeted that he gets an award for the best “not trying to get laid” outfit of the evening.
4. As C Lo already reported, Desiree had to deal with her first situation of the season when she escorted Jonathan (aka Mr. Fantasy Suite) to the white luggage van. It’s always a situation when you get picked up by the white van instead of the official departures limo. That means the limo drivers they had on call for that evening’s castoffs probably hadn’t even shown up to work yet!
Let the SITUATIONS begin! We are so excited a new season has begun.
And, for your easy reference, here’s a roundup of other Bachelor Nation bloggers posting recaps and such. If you have a favorite blog you’d like me to start including here, just let me know!
Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock’s blog at
Bachelor host Chris Harrison’s blog at
Former Bachelor contestant Sarah Herron’s blog
Former Bachelor contestant Leslie Hughes’s blog
The Bachelor Expert blog
Bachelor blogger Lincee of ihategreenbeans’ blog
Bachelor fashion blogger Possessionista’s blog
Bachelor fan Knox McCoy’s blog
Bachelor fan Marie-Eve (@marieevefast) blog
Bachelor blogger Lost Angeles’ blog
The Grantland Bachelorette blog
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