Jodi Arias, 32, was found guilty Wednesday of 1st degree murder in the death of 30 year-old Travis Alexander. And now the family of Travis Alexander has announced that they will file a wrongful death lawsuit against Jodi Arias.
The Alexander family issued the following statement through their legal counsel:
“Travis Alexander’s surviving brothers and sisters Samantha Alexander, Gary Alexander, Dennis ‘Greg’ Alexander, Tanisha Sorenson, Hillary Wilcox, Steven Alexander and Allie Iglesias are in agreement with the jury’s verdict of guilty against Jodi Arias.
“They would like to thank Deputy County Attorney Juan Martinez and Detective Steve Flores for their hard work and professionalism in this case. The siblings appreciate the outpouring of support they have received from the public.
“Buesing, Hernacki & Beckstead PLLC will be filing a civil wrongful death suit on behalf of the siblings against Jodi Arias in the near future.
The family wants to ensure that Jodi can not profit from her fame. Now any money she receives for publishing deals will likely go to the family of Travis. Arias cried as the guilty of first-degree murder was read.
Arias also told news reporters:
“I said years ago that I’d rather get death than life, and that still is true today,” she told Phoenix television station KSAZ. “I believe death is the ultimate freedom, so I’d rather just have my freedom as soon as I can get it.”
After the interview, Arias was placed on “suicide protocol” in an Arizona jail, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

First off the family didnt receive a dime off of the lifetime movie. Furthermore jodi has already profitex from hef crime, do you think she did interviews for free, and that is just of several ways she has profited from this horrible crime. Furthermore she could profit through a book or something without the wrongful deathsuit. Most of tbe time familys never receive a dime even when they have won the suit in court.
Heh. I don’t think they filed to make sure Arias didn’t profit from her fame, because she can’t profit from this. There are laws against convicted murderers using their crime and fame to make money. Research the Son of Sam laws regarding publishing and you will see what I mean.
I think they just wanted to profit from his death, which I find disgusting. It as not as though they are his children and and need to be supported. They were not even in his will. This is just slightly ridiculous. What happened to Travis is heart wrenching and disgusting, and Arias should have to spend the rest of her life in prison for what she did, without parole. But that is enough justice. Trying to wrangle any cent out of her that they can is just disgusting. I guess they didn’t make enough money on the Lifetime movie proceeds?
It really is awful and so sad considering what a great person Travis was. there is more to this story Im sure of it. Yeah this girl is a MESS for sure.
Dear Travis Alexander, may you rest in peace and always be fondly remembered.
Arizona State to retry Jodi Arias, “Penalty Phase”; Scheduled start date is July 18, 2013.
MCSO Statement: JA confined to her cell 23 hours a day and no more media interviews.
Defense “Hail Mary”: JA is “Mentally Ill” and should not be subject to the death penalty.
This complex crime, JA was convicted of, exposed JA for the macabre sane killer she is.
The law: JA a convicted felon cannot profit from her crimes. What has been done?
Comments: JA convicted of “Premeditated First-Degree Murder’ and “Extreme Cruelty”.
JA stated “No Jury will ever convict me”. JA could not have been more wrong”.
Defense request to quit denied. JA tells jury “Their Verdicts are wrong. I am a Survivor”.
Following the guilty verdicts of phases 1 and 2, the phase 3 verdict will logically be Death.
The last woman executed was 80 years ago. JA will die of old age before being executed.
JA states “A Death or Life conviction doesn’t matter to me; I’ll be around for a long time”.
Of the 12 Jurors, eight imposed the Death penalty. Four Jurors were incapable of doing so!
JA ridicules defense, verdicts, jurors, everyone and gets a Deadlocked Jury, Outrageous!
THE FACTS: JA killed TA June 4, 2008. Arrested July 15, 2008 – 1st Degree Murder
You think a gruesome murder like the one she committed could be exacted by a sane person? In fact, the act of murder is, by definition, an insane act. No person in their right state of mind could commit murder, much less one this gory and macabre. I can’t believe the so called experts haven’t figured that out yet.