We at Ok! Here is the Situation don’t like to reveal spoilers, but by now everyone has seen or heard about who wins in the media; they’re making it too hard to avoid this season! So, with that said, the latest scandal is that Ben was so disturbed by Courtney’s behavior on the show that he has been cheating on her (his reality TV fiance) with other women.
Us magazine is reporting: “Ben began having issues with what he saw,..Instead of talking to Courtney about it, he just started avoiding her. They haven’t split, but he basically stopped talking to her.”
(Earlier in the season, we did a personality type break-down of Ben and Courtney. This is typical behavior for the enneagram 4 personality type, which is what we typed Ben as. Fours don’t like confrontations and would much rather “hint” at their feelings. Ben seems to be acting out in response to being hurt by the Victoria Secret model. I suspect it’s all the talk of “winning,” combined with Ben discovering she went on the show without breaking up with her boyfriend Cavan Clark first).
Apparently, there have been multiple spottings of Ben’s indiscretions by eye-witnesses. On Feb. 17, just 12 days ago, Ben was spotted partying in San Francisco where he lives. He left the SF club Monaghan’s around 2am with four girls.
An eyewitness reported: “Ben seemed pretty toasted, and this woman in red pants came up to him,” …. “It looked like an altercation at first, then he kissed her on the mouth and hugged her. She wrapped her arms completely around him and embraced him. After the kiss, she walked the other way.”
The group went on a late night food run and then he took one girl home. A witness says: “Ben and this girl looked like they were having a good time,”…“They were doing weird dance moves, laughing and joking.” And apparently the girl stayed the night at Ben’s as she was seen leaving the next day wearing the same clothes (Ummm….who is the stalker that spent the night outside of Ben’s house in the bushes to see this?)
The following day, the Bachelor was spotted with another woman who also spent the night. The two were spotted making out in a park before heading back to his pad. “The woman’s hands were all over Ben’s body and his hands were on her ass the entire time,” a source claims. Sounds like Ben doesn’t want to waste one second of his 15 minutes of fame. This confirms the initial suspicions I had when I saw Ben on Ashley’s season…the guy is just here to get laid!!
So does this mean Courtney’s apologies were too little, too late? An insider reported: “Courtney did develop feelings for Ben,” …“She cares for him and wants to make it work. [But] Courtney is really frustrated. She’s trying to figure things out, but he isn’t talking to her.”
Ben is telling his friends that “things aren’t good” between the two — but apparently they are still engaged. “They have not had a breakup talk, but it’s been very tense between them,” …. “She feels very disconnected from him, and he can’t stand confrontation.”
One thing is for sure, the After the Rose episode is gonna be epic!

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