
Michael Stagliano and Chris Bukowski talk Bachelor Pad 3 Hookups!

Michael Stagliano and Chris Bukowski spoke to Access Hollywood about the scandalous hook-ups on this season of the Bachelor Pad. Both men get lucky in love this season and both got lucky in hooking up tonight. Ok, they also talk strategies to win, but let’s be honest we don’t really care about who wins — we watch to see the drama and the hook-ups!

Stagliano really got the party started tonight by making out with Rachel Truehart on his rock concert date. But wait, Rachel wasn’t the only girl to receive some Stagliano love, Superfan Donna also received a courtesy make-out session from the Bachelor Pad star. And Chris Bukowski already has a stalker with Jamie Otis hot on his tail. There was an amazing scene tonight of Jamie crawling over Blakeley and Chris while they were making out to get into her bunk bed! Talk about a diss!

We also got a quick glimpse of a Lindzi and Kalon cuddle situation which if you are familiar with those two is quite a situation!

It certainly is interesting going from the G-rated Bachelorette to the R-rated Bachelor Pad!! looks like the situations have just begun!

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