
Sean Lowe and Producers in car accident and the State Farm conspiracy

Apparently Bachelor Sean Lowe and Producers were in a car accident on Monday, October 22nd. I kid you not, I was just telling Penny Farthing “I bet you anything there will be a car accident for State Farm product placement on this season”.  Remember all the awkward product placement in Ben Flajnik’s season? We have been beside ourselves since the Bachelor selection came down to not one but TWO State Farm Insurance agents, Roberto Martinez and Sean Lowe — just imagining the uncomfortable product placement and the likely State Farm Insurance /ABC conspiracy.

I mean both guys are good-looking great catches for some amazing lady but is an insurance agent really tthe best candidate for your fantasy husband? I remember when the Bachelor lead always had some kick-ass career like Doctor, Enterepeneur, Professional Football player, we even had a prince one season! Then the Bachelor went into cruise control choosing the fan favorite from the Bachelorette. Alas we now have a State Farm insurance agent. We’ve come along way from Prince Lorenzo Borghese of season 9 ABC.

Not to trivialize this accident, BUT I can’t help but wonder if this was all part of the elaborate plot by producers and State Farm to inject a little product placement into the season. Luckily no one sustained any serious injuries. Sean was apparently driving with producers when the accident happened, and Bachelor creator, Mike Fleiss, tweeted. “Sean and several of my beloved producers were in a car accident yesterday,” Mike tweeted. “Thank God everyone is OK.”

I guess we will see if this accident becomes part of the season’s narrative. Let’s hope producers are better than that.


3 thoughts on “Sean Lowe and Producers in car accident and the State Farm conspiracy”

  1. HA HA!!!! I know right! I got the inside scoop from my friend who works on Ellen that Ellen (who is an avid bachelor fan) is not impressed with the choice of Sean. Hopefully the amazing ladies will bring some seriously amazing situations!


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