
2012 and the Lost Book of Nostradamus: Movie

Only a few weeks left until the end of the world as we know it! December 21st 2012 is fast approaching and many believe ancient prophets forsaw something monumental happening that would profoundly change our world.

This documentary on the History Channel examines the book of Nostradamus that contains images that appear to be saturated with coded messages for us. My personal favorite is the Catholic church imagery.

There is compelling evidence that Nostradamus is in fact behind these drawings. Personally I believe we are approaching the end of a long Epoch, one ruled by war, greed, poverty and social injustice. But not the end of the world itself, the end of this time of competition and an ego-centric paradigm rooted in fear and the beginning of a new Epoch of peace and cooperation. (Fingers-crossed).





3 thoughts on “2012 and the Lost Book of Nostradamus: Movie”

  1. nateThe Mayans didn’t think the world would end. Their calendar bneigs a new cycle in 2012. It is the longest of a number of cycles in their calendar at about a 400 year period. It’s a great celabration, not the end of the world. As for Nostradamus, have you ever heard the people who interpret his prophesies? if you rearange the letters like this, remove the h and replace it with an e He wrote hundreds of prophesies that were incredibly vaigue and nonsensical, if you allow manipulations and interpretations as liberal as the people interpreting his prophesies frequently use, you can make him predict anything. At the time, there were strong interpretations of his prophesies that both sides would win WWII, but hey, one of them was right!


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