
Who is Alba Reyes from ‘Ready for Love’?

Who is the 6′ tall, brown eyed, brown-haired beauty queen vying for the heart of 33-year-old Ernesto Arguello on ‘Ready for Love’?

Source: NBC
Source: NBC

Her name is Alba Reyes  (aka Alba Giselle Reyes Santos). She is the 30-year-old Houston, Texas resident and law school graduate!

Reyes is truly an accomplished young woman. She was Ms. Puerto Rico Reyes and Miss Puerto Rico Universe 2004 and 2nd Runner-up in the Miss Universe 2004 pageant!

AND she currently works in health law while she postpones taking the bar exam.

Good God, how can this girl need help finding love? And how can the other girls compete with this pageant professional?  It definitely seems like this girl will be the front-runner.

She certainly wasn’t raised with a silver spoon in her mouth. Reyes was raised in a small town and grew up in a small house with both parents, three sisters and a little brother.

I found this interview she did a few years ago on and I thought it provided some interesting insight into what this girl had to offer aside from just a beautiful face.
Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
My aunt for teaching me that hard work is very important. Through hard work she was able to support her 14 brothers and sisters in their time of need while studying to reach her goal of becoming a teacher.
What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you (aside from winning your title) and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?
The most interesting thing about me is how I can merge my love for science and chemistry with my career as a model.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
My career ambition is to become a medical doctor. I am finishing my degree in chemistry in order to apply for medical school.

Are you currently a student? If yes, where? What is your area of study?
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey., Natural Sciences, majoring in chemistry. List any interesting or unsual jobs you may have had.
During my high school years I worked in the meat department of a local supermarket. What one word describes you best?

There you have it!!! This girl is gorgeous and smart and even kinda nerdy. We look forward to following her and Ernesto on their journey to find love.

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