The gang of 8 is feverishly working to pass a massive immigration reform bill right now. Rest assured whenever a bill is “comprehensive” be very very afraid (see ObamaCare). Comprehensive means “we are hiding some seriously awful things in here and we need the bill to be so long and complex you won’t notice.” Well that is exactly what is going on with this latest bill. Ron Paul calls the current proposals “by far the worst national ID card the statists have come up with yet.” Paul blames the “Gang of 8,” which includes Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Chuck Schumer, for attempting to “sneak a national ID” into an immigration reform bill. Paul claims:
Right now, freedom-stealing Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), banding together with other statists from both parties, are scheming to sneak a massive power grab into a new “immigration reform” bill.
If passed, it would require every American to obtain a National ID card to work legally in the U.S. – and you can bet it will be only a matter of time until they’re required even for simple purchases.

The national ID would create a new federal database with biometric information on all citizens and those who work within the United States. Paul also claims that, soon it would be illegal for anyone to have a job without an ID card. “Every time any citizen applies for a job, the government will know…[and] once the government bureaucrats know exactly how we run our lives, they will try and control them.”
He also states “the government will know what you eat, drink, and read. Once they know this information, they will regulate everything” .
To say this is the devil in the details is an understatement. This bill will be the end of freedom in a serious way.
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