Much has been made about Jodi Arias’ strange behavior. The world has been captivated by the trial of the attractive, intelligent, charismatic accused killer, particularly because her behavior has been so so odd (although she has not been diagnosed as 918 (crazy)). Many people have been speculating and arm-chair diagnosing the killer. So I’m curious….
What do you think is wrong with Jodi Arias?

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder where the victim’s persona has been shattered. It’s not multiple personalities, it’s a shattered personality as a result of severe trauma. Victims compartmentalize their experiences in a way that astounds others. They don’t actually have different personas. It makes them seem sociopathic or split or totally disconnected. Dissociative Identity Disorder is commonly mislabeled as multiple personality disorder. Her recent Tweets demonstrate this disconnect:
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) (called emotionally unstable personality disorder, borderline type) is a disorder characterized by erratic moods and obsessive behavior.
Borderlines are very impulsive, intense and unstable. They have strong feelings of abandonment and an unstable sense of self. People with BPD often idealize others, alternating between a high positive regard and severe dislike. They are also hyper-sexual.
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