So every season it seems there is someone (and this season it’s more than one) who appears maybe just a tad bit on the gay side. Not that that necessarily means anything, but we love to speculate anyway.
In fact I think it would be absolutely a-mazing if a contestant came to the revelation that he was gay during the filming of The Bachelorette–and to watch Chris Harrison handle the situation in his armchair with the utmost professionalism. Plus, gay?…really? is it even a big deal?

Source: Twitter
So Brooks Forester, the 6’2″, 28-year-old Sales rep/part-time model/Mormon from Salt Lake City competing for Desiree’s heart this season of the Bachelorette is also sparking a few gay rumors and gaining a gay fan base like Sean Lowe.
Brooks is super hot and Desiree is clearly hot for him, but we can’t help but notice he is just a tad bit effeminate. (I especially loved how scared he got on his one-on-one with Desiree driving through a dangerous neighborhood in downtown L.A.. I was yelling at my Television telling Brooks to butch up a little.)
Of course it’s entirely possible he is just in touch with his softer side which is always kinda hot too.
I actually have a theory that Brooks is just into some crazy fetish stuff and may really like older women especially after he was caught getting hot and heavy last year with a 51-year-old woman. He had a pretty difficult childhood and an absentee father who was in the CIA!

Source: facebook
But what do you think of these pics? Take a gander?
Are Chris and Desiree still together?!
I can’t find any info of him having a girlfriend or being married after the show, None, I do see him photographed having fun with guys, & guys, I think he’s in the closet
I just want to know Y the Gay community feels the need to be “Just like” the straight community??! If u feel the need to mimick heterosexuals then do ur own show & lv “the bachelor ” show alone . Juan just spoke his feelings & he has the rt to them. Just like everyone else has the rts to their own feelings.
Brooks Forester is 100% GAY! Confused right now, hiding in his closet but will come out! Soon! Time will tell. The way he has grown up: 9 siblings around him fighting for his Mom’s love! The way he talks:the tone of his voice: come on! You have to be blind and deaf not to notice that Brooks is GAY! Trying to be bi-sexual, couger-hunter, entered the show. Has great difficulty to COMMUNICATE and EXPRESS his feelings!!!??? Because… Desiree is a perfect 10 girl!!! Why Brooks was hesitating? How can he not fall in love with Desiree? He will never find another girl! He will find another boy who will rock his boat. Wait, leave him alone now…
He does look very relaxed and comfy in that photo holding his guy friend. I dont know….mormon as well ahaa….
He’s just very “confused,” which is common for gay people who’ve grown up in the Mormon church.
How can Brooks not be gay? I can buy into the idea that Drew isn’t, but Brooks is not only gay, he is a big ol’ hot mess that needs some therapy to figure out what’s going on in his own head. That man just needs to come out of the closet already. There’s no way he’s any kind of hetero.
That’s my fiancé in the photo… Not gay!
ha ha!!! we are just having some fun speculating. I’m sure he is just a modern man. He just really needed to butch it up a little on that downtown LA one-on-one!! He is super cute and hot 🙂
Your fiance smokes the sausage.