Sharleen Joynt is the gorgeous 29-year-old soprano opera singer originally from Canada but currently lives full time in Germany. She is a very accomplished soprano opera singer and a gorgeous girl. She is the most ethnically exotic looking of the bunch.
Sharleen looks at least part Asian like Catherine Giudici.
We have a verdict….Sharleen was kind enough to respond to our inquiry:
This beautiful 29 year-old is a mix of Chinese on her mother’s side and Irish, French, English, Aboriginal on her father’s side. “Aboriginal”!…talk about an amazing ethnicity!
Mom is Chinese and dad’s a mix of Irish, French, English, Aboriginal. In short, I’m a mutt. 
In fact in her official Bachelor interview she talks about her mom:
‘Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My mother — I’ve come to really admire her more and more as I’ve traveled and lived in other countries. She moved to Canada from Taiwan for her graduate degree and had to assimilate in a very different culture in a very different language. She’s protective, loyal, and the Queen of Tough Love.’
These are some of the situations we find most interesting on the show.
She was born in Ottawa, Canada, and graduated in 2009 from the Mannes College of Music in New York with her Master’s degree in Vocal Performance under Ruth Falcon. In 2013 she was nominated for a “Der Faust” award for Ariadne DIONYSOS by Rihm.
Update: Feb. 8, 2015: Sharleen Joynt engaged to Andy Levine!
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I knew from the start, Sharlene was different and special. Different in the sense of beauty, smart, gorgeous, and more. Sad to see that she left the show as she was the only person I wanted to watch.
Girt, I hope you find love and especially a guy that deserves you.
Good luck
Sharleen is definitely gorgeous (like Catherine Giudici). I guess not a lot of women admire other women who are smart, intelligent, classy, successful and beautiful – in short BEAUTY AND BRAINS.
I watched Sharleen on the show a couple of times, especially the episode where he told Juan Pablo that she had been previously involved with a man who also has a child from a previous relationship. However, Sharleen could not see herself in that relationship – like a ready made family – considering her kind of career. Just like Sharleen, I go for a man’s brain. And it’s very refreshing to know another woman who will follow her convictions of finding the love from man on the same “intellectual level” as her and not to be fooled by the “good looks” of a man for love. And she was honest about it instead of leading Pablo on, only to break his heart at the end. I have a lot of respect for this woman. I know she will meet the man she is looking for (I did).
Gorgeous? Are you kidding me? She is the least attractive of the bunch. I can’t stand her.
Let’s say for the sake of argument, she is the least attractive but the most “eloquent, classy, elegant” contestant. If you were a man, would you rather choose the other bimbos on the show whose only ticket to the show was their looks but nothing to show for brains? I’ve watched a few of them and let me tell you, most of them are shallow – no “depth” in them. Most of them only have their “looks” to offer a man and nothing else!
Yes, Juan Pablo has the looks, but I don’t think he smart.
I totally agree with Kelly.
Can we also agree that she’s an ennegram type 5? “I don’t want to show you all of my cards.” Very eloquent, reserved, private, thoughtful.
ohhhhh interesting!!! I am open to that. I originally thought one but you could be right on that. Lets see how this goes. She does over analyze everything for jure and does seem a bit fatalistic as 5s can be but that could also be the judgy-ness of the one.
No wonder I find her so attractive!!