Caprice Bourret is one of the ladies on Bravo’s new show Ladies of London. The American model has spent most of her life developing her sex symbol status and working on her career in London society. But she recently made the intriguing decision to become a mom at the age of 42. And not only did Caprice become a mom but she had two baby boys Jax and Jett one month apart in late 2013.
This compelling tale becomes a big part of the shows storyline.
She recently spoke with HuffPost Live’s Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani on June 4 about the harrowing struggle to get pregnant with her ‘miracle babies’.
Caprice met her now husband 3 years ago at the age of 39. She told him after two months that she wanted children and he was game.
After trying many times to get pregnant the ‘ol fashioned way the couple tried IVF three times and failed.
“You have the drugs going in you and things not working the way you wanted them to work, and you think, ‘Oh my god, did I miss the boat?'” Bourret said. “It was really, really difficult — both physically and mentally.”
Bourret’s doctor informed her that she wouldn’t be able to carry a baby, but her eggs were still viable, so they decided to try surrogacy.
“We went for [the surrogate], and it took. And then a month later, I got pregnant naturally,” she said. “I didn’t believe it. I took 10 tests. I couldn’t get my head around it.”
“I called up my doctor. I said, ‘What’re you talking about [saying] I can’t get pregnant, I can’t carry a baby? I am pregnant!’ And he said, ‘Cap, I’ve been doing this for 25 years, and this has never happened. This is a miracle. You better look upstairs and say thank you so much,'” she said.
So the two boys are not twins. They are just brothers, but one was carried by another womb—a womb for rent. Bourret won’t reveal which one she carried and which one came from the surrogate.
“Why should I? They’re both mine, just one had a babysitter,” she said. “I love them both. I love them more than my own life. [Which one is which] is irrelevant.”
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