
New 9/11 chilling World Trade Center footage

There seems to be a renewed interest in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. I suspect the US government is preparing to discuss the conspiracy for any number of reasons and purposes. A lot of new footage continues to surface including this very clear and chilling World Trade center footage where you can hear the jet hit the second tower and you can see the ensuing explosion.

Phillip Marshall the 9/11 investigative author was killed along with his children in February 2013 raising a lot of eyebrows and questions about whether he was murdered in a “black ops hit” by the CIA for investigating the attacks on the World Trade center.

1 thought on “New 9/11 chilling World Trade Center footage”

  1. Greetings, Not really sure how I came to be here, but I had seen one of your posts on another topic and noticed your relation to Architecture. So in doing what I do, I took the opportunity to voice myself when such opportunities arise to make some noise on the issue.
    Upon thorough examination, the war that is the lie on terror just simply cannot be denied or further ignored. True Journalism and the obligation io the people it carries seems to have become a thing of the past. Also obligated is a patriot to his country to recognize enemies of the people foreign as indeed well as domestic. It is imperative that the people be granted the right to know truth and transparency of government. Backed by none other than the firefighters present, many victims’ family members, military personnel, as well as over 2500 Architects and Engineers, the truth movement is a cause I as well will stand alone before the laughing and or angry people to uphold. It is to those people Ispeak these words:
    So you’re telling me that you believe… That for the first time in history…..
    19 random foreigners breached the most secure airspace on the planet for nearly
    an hour without interception, to ultimately level 3 concrete encased,steel framed skyscrapers with 2 airplanes? With vast numbers of high rise inferno fires to compare, show us one to collapse instead of being remodeled onto the same steel frame.
    For the practically nonexistent wild chance of 40 say steel vertical supports failing at the exact same moment to achieve a symmetrical collapse to continue downward through scores of crosstied steel floors with no stall in between, to the ground following the path of most resistance? A wild chance happening not once, not twice, but three times on the same day ,same city. Care to tell me what melted the steel since it was running off the buildings liquified & melted? Its fact that the hottest substance there, the jet fuel, only burns at half the temperature required. WTC 7 never had any jet fuel, never hit by a plane, but came down smoothly & symmetrically in 6.7 seconds. How is it a B25 bomber hit the empire State Building in Aug. of 1945 , burst into fire, but only claimed 14 ,& got rebuilt onto the still sound, laughing steel frame?
    Do you believe for the first time in history, an airliner crash produced no wreckage such as at the Pentagon? Then happen for the second time in history on the same day in Shankesville Pa.?
    Now run along & go look at George’s face when the news was whispered into his ear then go learn that his family has actually been close knit family-like friends with the likewise oil tycoon Bin Laden family for decades. Salem Bin Laden, Osama’s brother, bailed gwb’s oil co. out of bankruptcy in 1988. Osama was inducted into the CIA in the early 80’s to form Al Qeada & lead them to fight the occupying forces of the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan to make way for U.S. interests there thus avoiding a direct conflict between U.S. & Russia. An oil pipeline stretched across an Afghan & Iraqi wasteland stalled at the Syrian border. Stalled since the US creation that is Isis has of yet failed to over throw them. The weaponry smuggled through Libya to fund & arm them, the Ambassador & his men left to die with that secret in Benghazi.How did sreets suddenly flood with heroin within the year after invading Afghanistan? Taliban had the industry on its death bed prior. Was it more cowards that did that? We would all be dead if they had such an ability to disperse a substance across the nation in such manner. Is that all they wanted was to sell heroin in America?
    You see , a street thug will kill you for $10.00, rich men will kill millions for billions & Trillions of dollars . In the ongoing, they want it all ,& they have a plan for your sheep ass as well as America & the world.
    Now if you & your flock would find a place to fit into other than the ball game or idol show, you might learn something & get your head out of your ass & stand up to help save the planet you live on.


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