Unless CityTv is really using some ninja editing skills to mislead us I think that 27-year-old April Brockman is having serious doubts about her connection with Bachelor Tim Warmels. Tonight Tim took her and Trisha to Tahiti for Fantasy Suites and his final rose and April appeared to be on the verge of a serious meltdown. I can’t imagine why anyone would be stressed over finding a life-partner in 9 weeks on a reality show but perhaps it’s not as easy as it looks.
Tim said this about April tonight:
“She has to believe that it’s worth taking the chance on us”, leading me to believe that Tim senses April is ‘not that in to’ him.

So I went to April’s blog to look for clues and I think it’s quite telling. If you look closely you notice that she never specifically addresses her feelings about Tim. Instead she ambiguously describes her ‘fairytale romance’. Everything she says here could be true, but none of it means that she is in love with Tim. So unless they are intentionally tricking us I think there is a good chance that April self-eliminates next week before the rose ceremony.
“25 women, eight dates and six weeks later, it all ends with an extraordinary love story. It’s been a wild ride. Hands down, it has been the wildest ride of my life!”
“When you’re given the chance to live in the moment, there’s really so much love to experience. There’s no room for worry or fear… just love. And Tim loves so passionately. He has a tremendous capacity for love, and I feel so lucky knowing his capacity of love for me. It’s the kind of love that feeds your soul – encouraging, supporting and unconditional. The kind that sends you off into the world each day and helps you take on whatever comes your way.”
“Tim is everything I’ve been looking for in a man, and so much more. This is the man who has just taken me on the most unique journey and it’s still all very surreal. My fairytale romance that dreams are made of has come true. I feel blessed to have found a love that feels so special, and I’m excited for us to continue our life journeys together… with both of us following our hearts, we know when the search is over.”
If true, really it makes Tim’s job a lot easier, right? But it would be a Bachelor first. We have never had a finalist walk off on the finale!!! I can not believe that CityTv is making us wait a week to find out!!!
Feature photo source: City Tv
Bachelor Canada airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. on City TV.
In case you have missed The Bachelor Canada season 2 you can watch it here…
Absolutely love the sheer intimacy of many Tim-April moments – it’s palpable. It’s been April for Tim from the beginning….
Trish is edited as an adorable one-dimensional pageant queen persona — funny and even sweet sometimes. They have fun but Tim is not in love with her. His body language is stilted and so is hers. While they kiss, there is something very lacking in their physicality and conversation.
Tim either convinces April to stay or he goes home without great love. He does not pick Trish.
really??? You may be right. I have been tricked before for sure. I thought Tim seemed crazy about Trisha. Plus as a big cerebral nerd I am sure he is relishing in that fact taht he finally gets the prom queen. But I dont know. all conjecture