Did Craig Conover take the BAR Exam?

Did Craig Conover take the BAR Exam?

Ok, poor Craig, the entire nation is standing by waiting to know if he took the BAR Exam and if he passed the BAR Exam. I received a few comments and emails from people saying he did not pass the BAR, but it wasn’t clear if he actually took it or not. South Carolina just released the results to the February BAR exam a few days ago and Craig’s name was nowhere to be found which meant that he either failed or he did not take the BAR.

Results of the February 2015 South Carolina BAR ExamScreen Shot 2016-03-02 at 10.13.06 PM

And I am guessing that the 26-year-old legal intern/ star of Bravo’s Southern Charm has seen all of the chatter about his BAR results because he took to Twitter tonight to tell everyone that he did not in fact take the BAR in February.

“Just so everyone knows — I did not take my Bar Exam in February — I’m excited to announce that I finally get the chance to take it in July”

[alert type=’alert’] UPDATE 10/30/2015: South Carolina just released the BAR exam results for July and Craig did not pass. [/alert]

UPDATE 10/30/2015: South Carolina just released the BAR exam results for July and Craig did not pass.

So I don’t know if there is any way to verify whether or not someone actually took it because the failing results are posted via an anonymous test number and the passing results are posted by name.

But I don’t think we can be too hard on Craig. Even if he did take it and fail it, it’s one insanely difficult test and he deserves another chance. But I will be paying attention to the results of the July BAR.

Last week Craig was terminated by his boss Akim Anastopoulo, for not showing up to work. Although per Twitter and LinkedIn he is still working for Akim, so ‘Extreme Akim’ must have given Craig a second chance.

And tonight he travels to his home of Delaware to visit his family who does not know that he has been fired from his job.

More of Bravo’s Southern Charm

Southern Charm’s Craig Conover 




  1. I really like Craig. He’s totally intelligent and goodlooking ! I predict he will be a super great attorney!! Since he has already graduated law school that tells me he is a “go-getter.”

    Like all of us, we need some time “off” to enjoy some fun! Studying through grade school, high school and then through 4 years of college than it’s time to get all that pressure off of you when you FINALLY have the time. Shep, Whitney and Thomas can party all they want. They are older and STILL partying! Chuckle! Even I couldn’t keep up with those guys!!

    They definitely know how to “let loose” and can sleep, like Shep said, to 12 noon. I love it !

  2. Thomas and Shep were “Frat boys too, allegedly. They don’t have to work a job allegedly.

    Whitney was sitting around and talking with Shep about the fact they didn’t have to work if they didn’t want too. Nice! So they have freedom to sleep late and party hardy!!! One of them mention how fortunate they are I believe!

  3. Danny-
    You uneducated loser! you obviously don’t watch the show–Craig already graduated from Law School! That means he finished…can’t drop out AFTER you graduate. He is studying to take the bar this summer.

    He has a loving and supportive family so he will never have to work “the streets of SC,” as you suggested…are you disappointed? Hoping to get that hand job, perhaps?

    Why all the hate? He is the only nice, normal person on the show. He doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not.

  4. Honestly, those of you who have not taken the bar exam need to understand that the timed pressure of writing everything you have learned in a given law course in a 30-40 minute period, can over stress even the most acute legal minds. I passed the bar nearly 30 years ago, but many of my fellow classmates needed to take the exam over. There are two parts to the Bar Exam; 1) Multi-State, and 2) the State essay portion. You can fail to pass either one of the sections and be required to re-take the bar. That fact alone in no way reflects on one’s future performance as an attorney, and I would hope that whatever the outcome of his July exam, those of you who have not walked a mile in this young man’s shoes, would encourage him to “shake it off” and try try again!

    I hope that is not Craig’s situation, as I believe that the trauma of losing a six figure job as a result of youthful over indulgence should be enough to make him re double his efforts to focus, and become the consummate southern professional during the work week!

    Best of Luck, Craig!


    • Oh I am not judging. believe you me. I have big exams to take as well, not the BAR but for architecture and look I am spending my time perseverating and stalking d-list reality celebs instead of studying. NTM he is only 26. He is a baby in the big picture. I think he is getting into trouble w/ other BAR candidates because he has been so smug about what he can get away with.

  5. I doubt he’ll pass the bar.. What hack university did he go to anyways? He’s just one of those drunk fratboys who walks around saying “i’m pre-med” or “i’m pre-law” then they fail out because they are idiots. Craig conover is going to be giving handjobs for dimes on a street corner in SC.

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