Elizabeth Whitelaw — Bachelor 2017 — Bio, Age, Photos, Wiki
Name: Elizabeth Whitelaw
From her ABC profile:
“All-time favorite movies: The Notebook, Sleeping with Other People, Finding Nemo
Where do you meet guys? I’ve been into dating apps like Bumble and Hinge lately. I’d prefer to meet through mutual friends or in front of millions of weekly viewers.
If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? Kate Middleton or Britney Spears. Kate, because she’s a princess, duh! Britney, because she’s the queen, duh!
Do you consider yourself neat or messy? I like to be organized messy.
What is your greatest achievement to date? Not just one thing. My life has been a journey of achievements that only I would appreciate.
Do you have any phobias that would prohibit participation in certain activities? (heights, claustrophobia, crowds, darkness, OCD, etc.) Claustrophobia and Misophonia – it’s a real thing. Look it up on Google!
What is your favorite television show and why? Game of Thrones, if I don’t want people to judge me. Ja’mie: Private School Girl, if I don’t care!
Do you have any family holiday or special event traditions that you plan to uphold? I love Christmas – food/dinner, Christmas Village. I would love it if my kids could go to my high school.”
Twitter – @EBWhitelaw22
Instagram – elizabethwhitelaw (Active as of 9/20, currently deactivated)
LinkedIn – Elizabeth Whitelaw
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