Daniel Maguire gay conspiracy

I suppose it was obvious on the premiere of Jojo Fletcher’s season of The Bachelorette when Daniel Maguire threw caution (and his clothing) to the wind and dove into the Bachelor mansion pool in his speedo, that Daniel was not there ‘for the right reasons’.

It was for that reason that Daniel received our ‘worst impression rose’.

Cut to a year later and Daniel shockingly still has not been booted from Bachelor nation and is still making waves…and is still semi-closeted about his sexuality.

I say ‘semi’ because Daniel is pretty openly flirtatious with men but blames the blatant cruising on being Canadian.

Anyhow, in my opinion, it’s official: aside from just being an epic a$$hole, Daniel is so gay and is on the show to meet hot guys.

On Bachelor in Paradise, he gets the chance to have some sexy time with Lacey Mark and takes the opportunity to tell her that he doesn’t think they have chemistry.

I don’t even know where to begin: 1: why did you say yes to the Fantasy Suite? 2: Why didn’t you pursue anyone else if Lacey simply wasn’t your type? 3: Why did you keep asking to see Blake’s penis?


On the reunion Lacey says Daniel came to new york for 6 days and only spent one hour with her and insisted Vinny spend the rest of the day with them. And seriously check out Daniel’s Instagram account. It’s saturated with pictures of him and Vinny together.

Daniel just sort of fumbled over his words, making excuses for why he led Lacey on, but it was clear Daniel was feigning interest in women in order to immerse himself in the giant sausage fest that is BiP.

I’d say Lacey summed it up best when she said,

“If he cared about me the way he cares about Vinny we wouldn’t be here right now”.



One Comment

  1. Totally agree. So much so I had to look it up to see if anyone else thinks the same thing. The whole wanting to see Blake’s thing made me question him even more.

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