
Sarah Hyland posts nude selfie with new boyfriend Wells Adams

Sarah Hyland posts nude selfie with new boyfriend Wells Adams

We have a serious situation Bachelor Nation! Sure it’s not the first time that a Bachelor Nation D-Lister has dated an A-List celebrity, but this situation is a bit different than the time Ben Flajnik hooked up with Jennifer Love Hewitt in 2011, or the time Bachelor Jake Pavelka dated Kristin Chenoweth in 2012.

Why? Because Ben’s fling with J Love Hew was more of a single, solitary date and Jake’s relationship with Kristin was about as real as Ryan Seacrest’s relationship with Julianne Hough— if you know what I mean.

No, this new romance between Modern Family star Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams is a real romance. These two are IN LOVE and they are sharing their love with the world!

The 26-year-old actress star shared a screenshot of a direct message she received from someone who accused her of TMI on Instagram after posting the rather suggestive selfie with the 32-year-old Nashville DJ.wells-adams-sarah

‘Every once in a while I’ll go through my direct messages from you guys to see what you’re saying and respond,’ she said. ‘Answer questions. Give advice. Or even just say hello. But I woke up too early to go to work this morning and saw this…’

‘KEEP YOUR SEXUAL LIFE PRIVATE, we do not necessarily need to know all the details of your personal life.’ they added.

Well one thing is sure Sarah is NOT hiding her affection for Wells.

‘Not putting her on blast,’ Sarah said in response to the hostile rant.

‘She just brought to my attention that that picture I posted might have been inappropriate since we’re in bed. So I just have to say I’m so sorry…FOR POSTING AN ADORABLE PICTURE BECAUSE CARL WAS ACTING LIKE THE NUGGETIEST SNUGGLE BUG! Couldn’t let that moment pass without getting a picture.’

She then addressed her fans on Instagram saying: ‘The only things I share about my [life] with you all is through Instagram and Twitter,

‘I do want my privacy. Especially in relationships. I’ve made the mistake in the past on being way too open and talking way too much about them. This time is different. It’s special. And I will share what I [deem] ‘appropriate’ on social media because I still want you all to be updated.

Because you guys are the greatest fans in the world. I even hate saying fans…because you’re people. You’re people who have had chronic illnesses, eating disorders, [troubled] family situations that Modern Familyhelps you get through. People who share their stories with me and I love you all for that. So thank you for always [being] so wonderful.’

‘However… this relationship’s tea will only be spilled on social media… for now,’ she added. ‘Cause never say never and I don’t want to be reminded in the future that I’m a ‘hypocrite.’ Ok. Gotta get ready for work. I LOVE YOU ALL!’

I am certainly not complaining! This is such a great little nugget of Bachelor Nation love. Please give us more Sarah!

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