
Chris Harrison claims Chris Soules wanted to choose Becca over Kaitlyn

On last Mondays episode of The Bachelor Chris Soules seemed really conflicted about choosing 26-year-old Becca Tilley over 30-year-old Kaitlyn Bristowe. So he pulled Becca aside before the rose ceremony to talk to her. The maneuver made Kaitlyn and Whitney think Becca was getting the boot, but in fact Chris was confused by his last conversation with Becca and wanted some affirmation from Becca that she was ready.

On her Fantasy Suite date she had to break the news to Chris that she was a virgin and was saving herself for marriage. Becca was worried this bombshell could be a deal breaker for Chris. Her build up to the news was pretty funny. She really did make it seem like it was going to be something so much worse.

Initially, Becca is hesitant about even accepting the Fantasy Suite invitation. “I don’t know what I am going to do but I do have a lot to think about.”

But she does accept the invitation and tells Chris about her virginity. Apparently a conversation the two had off-camera worried Chris that Becca was not ready. In fact Becca admitted that when Chris told her he was falling in love with her she did not reciprocate (and the other two women did). The exchange worried Chris that Becca could turn him down in the end.

Host Chris Harrison weighed in on Becca’s big reveal and Chris’ concerns in TV Guide.

“Becca revealed she was a virgin, and it was fine. But he was later unsure of her feelings. Did you think he’d keep her?
Harrison: Honestly, the way she built it up, I’m guessing once she finally said she was a virgin he was just happy she didn’t tell him she was a serial killer. But it didn’t have too much of an effect on anything. They still had a great, intimate time together and she’s still physical, she’s just not going to have sex. They just had an awkward conversation that we didn’t get on camera in the suite that morning that set things off and ended everything on such a sour note. When I talked to him, I could tell he was unbelievably torn and very conflicted, but at the same time I knew then that he wanted to pick Becca. He needed a reason and any kind of confirmation from her because he wanted it to be Becca. Nothing was wrong with Kailtyn, but I could tell he just wanted someone to say, “Pick Becca and don’t worry about it.” But that wasn’t my place. That’s why we asked him to have a conversation with Becca and either get the confirmation he needed or go in the opposite direction. That talk was everything. It’s almost like he could take a deep breath and everything was OK again.”

Chris says about why he picked Becca over Kaitlyn.

Becca, like Chris is an enneagram 6.

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