
Hayley Kiyoko Alcroft biography, religion, ethnicity, family, age, wiki, etc

Hayley Kiyoko Alcroft biography, religion, ethnicity, family, age, wiki, etc

Name: Hayley Kiyoko Alcroft 

Age: 31
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Occupation: Singer

Birthday: (born April 3, 1991)

Zodiac: Aries


Hayley was born on April 3rd, 1991, to figure skater and choreographer Sarah Kawahara, and actor and comedian Jamie Alcroft. Kiyoko has two siblings, Alysse and Thatcher.


Her mother is of Japanese ancestry from Canada and her father has English and Scottish ancestry and is from Ohio. 

Jobs: She began acting at a young age, appearing in  several commercials for companies like GM Onstar, Slim Jim, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. 

Education: She attended Agoura High School and graduated class of 2009. She was appointed “Commissioner of Entertainment” in her sophomore year and “Commissioner of Pep Rallies” in her junior year.

Height: 5′ 4″

Tattoos: Tba

Who has she dated: Becca Tilley

Instagram: hayleykiyoko


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