
Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock and the Ben Scott situation

Ben Scott Bachelorette

Ben Scott, 29 the 6’2″, charming, gregarious Bartender/single dad from Dallas/Lubbock, Texas has become the Courtney Robertson of The Bachelorette. Ben is rubbing the guys in the house the wrong way to put it mildly by not playing by the guy code. SIDE NOTE: Ben Scott dated Erica Larson, a contestant on NBC’s Ready for … Read more

Brody Scott Bachelorette 2013: Bio, Photos, Twitter

Brody Scott Bachelorette 2013 Bachelorette 2013 contestants! Brody Scott Bio Age: 4 Occupation: Unemployed Hometown: Dallas, TX Twitter: Twitter Facebook: Brody Scott’s Photos Brody Scott is the strapping 4-year-old son of Bachelorette contestant Ben Scott from Dallas, TX. We met Brody tonight on Desiree Hartsock’s premiere. When Ben arrived, 4-year-old Brody stepped out of the limo first … Read more

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock handles her 1st situation – Jonathan on episode 1

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock handles her 1st situation – Jonathan on episode 1 Tonight on Episode 1 we met Desiree’s 25 amazing dudes in the first ever Cinderella-themed Bachelorette. ABC really hammered home the theme for us even having Desiree drive up to her mansion in an old lackluster vehicle and having her extol the heart-wrenching … Read more

Ben Scott Bachelorette 2013: Bio, Photos, Twitter

Ben Scott Bachelorette 2013 Bachelorette 2013 contestants! Ben Scott Bio Age: 28 Occupation: Works at The Trophy Room Hometown: Dallas, Texas Twitter: Facebook: It looks like his Facebook page was taken offline. Ben has a 4-year-old son named Brody, but he was never married to Brody’s mom, Stevie Short. Here’s a link to Stevie’s Facebook … Read more