Tonight the Bachelor took the three remaining amazing ladies to Switzerland in one of the most dramatic and uncomfortable episodes yet! All season fans anxiously wait to see who makes it to episode 9 to receive the coveted fantasy suite card inviting them to forgo their individual rooms and enjoy their first official overnight. I mean that is the real “climax” of season after all isn’t it?
So tonight Ben has his first date with Nicki who has already disturbingly confided in Ben that she is totally in love with him in last weeks uncomfortable “Hometowns”. Ben clearly does not reciprocate the feelings and viewers are left to endure one of the most agonizing dates yet.
Note: when Ben doesn’t reciprocate feelings for a girl and can’t think of how to respond to their unconstrained soliloquy of love or their homemade scrap-book of love, he makes out with the ladies. See his salsa date with Blakely.
So this date is filled with awkward silences followed by even more awkward make-out sessions. This date makes me think Nicki is in third or second place because the helicopter is an excellent way to minimize conversation, eye contact and any sort of confrontation.
One thing is for sure, Ben is not good at faking like he’s in love with someone.
Next Ben meets Lindzi for a one-on-one. He takes her repelling down a 300 foot cliff (this makes me think she is the second choice, second choice girls get the dangerous sporty date). Lindzi also proclaims her love for Ben and accepts the date card to the fantasy suite. Ben seems slightly more excited about Lindzi than Nicki… but not much.

Finally we get to see Courtney’s one-on-one which is much more “normal” and less life-threatening than the other two dates. Ben takes her on a romantic train-ride and a quaint Swiss picnic–even shopping for their own food.
This makes me think she is number one because this date requires lots of conversation, lots of eye contact, lots of opportunity for cuddling and touching and little danger of her falling off a 300 foot cliff.
Ben finally confronts Courtney on how horrible she has been to the other girls and Courtney replies with a half-ass apology that Ben quickly accepts as he is clearly eager to get her into the tiny hot tub and the fantasy suite where he and Courtney can have intercourse for the very first time (we think).
There is also an incredibly uncomfortable confrontation by Kacie B. which I will cover in my next post.
There is no more awkward rose ceremony than the one following fantasy suite sex where a girl is inevitably rejected after the Bachelor has seen her completely naked and likely taken her for a test drive.
“Now that I have seen you naked, I have decided it’s not gonna work“.
So we have to witness this excrutiating situation as Ben dumps Nicki at the rose ceremony and keeps Lindzi and Courtney for the finale.
So alas, we will have to wait two long weeks until the exciting finale to see Ben choose a Neil Lane ring and a life partner in what is typically a last minute decision in what is likely to be one of the most dramatic finales in Bachelor history.

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