UPDATE: Phew! We were just informed by The Bachelor Expert (Ashley) on Twitter that The Bachelorette will return to its 8pm time slot starting with episode #3, and that the change was, in fact, due to scheduling conflicts with Dancing with the Stars. THANK GOD! Crisis Averted! Situation Solved! Ding!!
I have to be honest, ABC. I am one of the biggest fans of The Bachelor/ette franchise out there and I didn’t watch the season premiere of season 8 of The Bachelorette last Monday night. Nope. I waited and watched it online the next day. Blasphemy! (Especially so because I tend to enjoy live tweeting the show!) And why didn’t I watch it on Monday? Well, because ABC moved the premiere from it’s usual 8pm time slot to a 9:30pm start and, well, I have SHIT TO DO and couldn’t be up watching TV that late on a Monday night.
I was figuring this was just a one-time blip in the ABC prime time schedule though, and that by episode two things would be back on track and starting up at 8pm. But, THAT IS NOT THE CASE! I just looked at the ABC schedule for Monday night and The Bachelorette is on a tad earlier than last week, with a 9pm start, but it’s still starting an hour later than usual! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ABC, WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?! Do we need to start up a petition to get you to return our favorite show to it’s regular 8pm to 10pm time slot? I mean….it’s a two hour show every week, so expecting fans/followers to stay up watching TV till 11pm every Monday is just crazy. We have BED TIMES, people! Hahaha.
What’s on ABC during the usual 8pm Monday time slot instead? Again, just like last week, it’s Dancing with the Stars. Now, I don’t watch that show, so maybe there’s just some weird overlap going on while DWTS finishes up it’s season?? Is it almost over?!? Is that’s what’s going on, ABC? We here at Ok! Here is the Situation are hoping this is just a few-episode blip in the schedule and that ABC returns The Bachelorette to the 8pm to 10pm (Pacific/Eastern) time slot ASAP!!!

I cant even handle DWTS!!! Seriously time to cancel and just have 2 seasons of the Bachelor/bachelorette running simaltaneously.