Looks like things on The Pad are heating up!! The show’s most unlikely couple — Lindzi Cox and Kalon McMahon — have been dating ever since the show and are apparently doing their own “Hometown Dates” sans ABC!
The couple is currently in Lindzi’s hometown of Bellevue, Washington and were spotted at the Blue Martini Lounge, according to Bachelor Pad stalkers Wetpaint.

Source: Instagram
A Wetpaint report claims that Bachelor Pad 3 couple Kalon McMahon and Lindzi Cox were getting cozy in the bar. Well it looks like ABC and the Bachelor franchise have another successful couple on their hands! We love it when ABC produces a successful couple! This is what makes the Bachelor Pad so amazing.
Chris Bukowski indicated in the beginning that he had quite a crush on Lindzi. The two seemed like the perfect match, but low and behold Lindzi likes the villian — although I think Kalon’s villian status may be a bit blown out of proportion. As much as we love to hate him on Twitter, we also discovered that he is a big animal rights activist . Apparently, Kalon doesn’t think dogs are “baggage,” since he donated proceeds from autographed T-shirts at a recent event he attended to Citizens for Animal Protection.
“Best partner on BPAD the chief aka @lindzicox,” wrote Kalon about a pic he posted of Lindzi on Twitter.
What do you think of this new situation?

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