
Are Kalon and Lindzi still dating? It looks like DUMPSVILLE

Kalon McMahon and Lindzi Cox dating after Bachelor Pad 3

After this week’s episode of Bachelor Pad 3, everyone is wondering: Are Kalon and Lindzi still dating? According to Twitter, Instagram and the Interwebs in general lately, it really looked like Bachelor Pad 3 couple Kalon McMahon and Lindzi Cox were totally in love and totally still together. And they might be as of RIGHT … Read more

Lindzi Cox and Kalon McMahon do ‘Hometowns’ off-camera

Looks like things on The Pad are heating up!! The show’s most unlikely couple — Lindzi Cox and Kalon McMahon — have been dating ever since the show and are apparently doing their own “Hometown Dates” sans ABC! The couple is currently in Lindzi’s hometown of Bellevue, Washington and were spotted at the Blue Martini … Read more

The Kalon and Lindzi situation on the ‘Bachelor Pad’

For those of you who have seen Bachelor Ben Flajnik’s season and Bachelorette Emily Maynard’s season you know that a hook-up between Kalon McMahon and Lindzi Cox is a very odd situation! And it sounds like it’s more than a hook-up. Looks like these two may be in love! More evidence that the Bachelor franchise … Read more

‘Bachelor Pad 3’ cast: Lindzi Cox [Bio, Photos, Twitter]

Lindzi Cox first appeared as a part of Bachelor Nation on Ben Flajnik’s season of The Bachelor (season 16). She made it to the finale, but was denied the final rose — losing to Bachelor villain Courtney Robertson. The Basics: Name: Lindzi Cox Age: 27 Occupation: Business Development Manager Hometown: Ocala, FL Lindzi Cox on … Read more

‘Bachelor Pad 3’ cast announcement is…not very exciting

After loads of speculation, ABC finally announced the official cast of Bachelor Pad 3, which premiers Monday, July 23. And, well, we are less than amped about it. Here’s the list of this summer’s “padlings”: BACHELOR PAD 3 CAST: THE GIRLS Lindzi Cox (Bachelor Season 16) Blakeley Jones (Bachelor Season 16) Sarah Newlon (Bachelor Season … Read more

Latest Situation: The ‘Bachelor Pad 3′ cast rumors are a-flyin’!!

Bachelor Pad 3 logo

*Spoiler Alert* Some of the rumored Bachelor Pad 3 cast members are suitors that have yet to be eliminated from Emily Maynard’s season 8 of The Bachelorette. So, read on at your own risk! In case you haven’t seen or read the Bachelor Pad 3 cast rumors elsewhere, we are re-posting the rumors here. You … Read more

Is ‘Bachelor’ runner-up Lindzi Cox dating her former ‘Dumpsville’ boyfriend?

Oh Em Gee! Extra! Extra! We just read in the National Enquirer that The Bachelor Season 16 runner-up Lindzi Cox ended up dating her ex-boyfriend of “Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: You” text fame after show finished taping. I mean……now THAT is a TWIST we were not expecting!! The Enquirer reports, “According to Lenze, a 33-year-old financial planner from … Read more

‘Bachelor’ runner-up Lindzi Cox foregos the ‘After the Final Rose’

UPDATE: Ok, we have since read, in Chris Harrison’s awesome Popwatch blog, that Lindzi Cox was actually present for the taping of the After the Final Rose show, but because of time constraints and the bevy of SITUATIONS surrounding Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Bachelor Season 16 winner Courtney “WINNING” Robertson, they didn’t bring her out. … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ finale: Good vs. Courtney

Oh….the drama. You gotta love how much ABC must love that they’ve pitted the entire country (really, the globe) against Bachelor Season 16 frontrunner model Courtney Robertson, 28. I mean…Courtney gave the show’s editors a lot of hate-filled sound bytes and footage to work with, so she can only be so surprised by her show … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 9: Your faves weigh in

This was the first episode of the season I wasn’t able to watch live, over at C Lo’s house, because I am currently on vacation in Orlando, FL (hoping to stop by Vienna Giardi’s new boutique while I’m here, btw!). What was so great, though, is that I was able to figure out what I … Read more