The Basics:
Name: Kacie Boguskie
Age: 24
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Hometown: Clarksville, TN
Kacie Boguskie on Twitter: @kacielynnb
So far, we are really digging Kacie B! Her dress the first night was NOT a situation, which makes her stand out from the unfortunate crowd of dresses that I would call: situations. I thought it was nice of her to try and calm Jenna down, comfort her, get her to smile. She seems very LOW drama and very HIGH on positive energy, which, although doesn’t make for the best reality TV sequences, makes for a great person, wife and life partner. Damn these healthy people on this show! Haha. Thank god we have unstable, unhealthy people like Jenna around to keep the three-ring circus spinning while Ben hopefully falls for someone more “real” than “reality” (aka someone like Kacie B!)
ABC’s Official Amazing Lady Questions:
What is your favorite all-time book and why?
It’s so hard to choose just one. I’ve read so many. To date, I’ll say “Time Traveler’s Wife,” it kept me on my toes, a real page turner.
If you wanted to really impress a man what would you do and why?
I would make a dinner and give them something sentimental – like a basket full of things that are “us.” I feel like thought shows how much you care.
What is your ideal mates personality like?
Outgoing, fun-loving, athletic, driven, goal oriented, sensitive but strong, not afraid to try new things, Christian, family oriented, love children
Tattoo Count:
Foot, side and another location.
I hate it when my date:
Talks only about themselves, sticks to the boring questions and thinks dinner & a movie is a good idea for a first date.

For more photos and details on Ben Flajnik’s amazing bevy of Bachelorettes on season 16 of The Bachelor, head on over to our Official Season 16 Amazing Lady Page!
And take a moment to WEIGH IN via our Amazing Lady Poll!
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