
Bachelor Ben Flajnik’s ladies: Lindzi Cox [Bio, Photos, Twitter]

Lindzi C. from Ben Flajnik's season of 'The Bachelor'
Lindzi C. ~ Age: 27 ~ Business Development Manager

The Basics:

Name: Lindzi Cox

Age: 27

Occupation: Business Development Manager

Hometown: Ocala, FL

Lindzi Cox on Twitter: @LindziCox


ABC’s Official Amazing Lady Questions:

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Sombrero – I’m allergic to the sun so it would be good for shade
Pool Float Toys – I love to float in the ocean
My iPhone for its camera app – I love photography

Would you consider yourself adventurous or conservative?
Adventurous. I used to be fearless but the older I get, I realize that I sort of love this life thing and I’m getting a little more conservative!

If you wanted to really impress a man what would you do and why?
Show him I can change a tire, how many girls an do that?

Tattoo Count:

What’s your worst date memory?
Getting stood up! If you don’t really want to go on a date with me, don’t make plans to!



For more photos and details on Ben Flajnik’s amazing bevy of Bachelorettes on season 16 of The Bachelor, head on over to our Official Season 16 Amazing Lady Page!

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