First, if you’re not following us on Twitter, you should be because we live Tweet The Bachelorette on most Mondays and it’s super fun.
As some of you know, as the various seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette unfold, we like to apply the ancient Enneagram personality typing tool to the leads — and to their group of guys/gals — in an attempt to better understand their unique motivations, whether or not they’re integrating toward or disintegrating from their most healthy self, and to see who might fit well with whom based on Enneagram number pairings.
Well, this past week, my co-blogger, C Lo, finally came to some Enneagram conclusions about Bachelorette Emily Maynard, which you can read about here. Then, after this week’s episode, C Lo also decided to WEIGH IN on the now-booted Ryan Bowers’ Enneagram personality type, which, as a little hint, is exactly the same as last season’s villain, Courtney Robertson.
What’s so especially amazing about Emily giving Ryan Bowers the BOOT this week, is that it’s finally giving us fans what we’ve been longing for since The Bachelor Season 16 — to have the lead see through the narcissistic bullshit. (Sadly, Bachelor Ben Flajnik still hasn’t come to this conclusion about his show “winner,” Courtney Robertson.)
Other than the Big Ryan Bowers Fiasco, the only other highlights of the show for us were:
1) Hearing Jef Holm cozy up to Emily to tell her even more storybook-perfect sweet nothings, like: “Can I tell you a secret? I’m crazy about you.” Seriously. Jef Holm is making girls the world over go gaga, and rightly so. In fact, he’s making so many girls go gaga that we had to create an Unofficial “Jef Holm is a Dreamboat” fan page for him. Check it out if you haven’t already. It’s seriously unreal how many fans are creating animated gifs for the dude!
2) Even though Jef is cute and perfect in so many ways, he’s still not as HOT as Arie Luyendyk, Jr., IMHO. So, we definitely enjoyed Arie and Emily’s steamy “up against the store window” kiss this week. YOWZAS! Unfortunately, it seems like we’re in store for some drama next week regarding the rumors that Arie and Bachelorette producer Cassie Lambert used to date. We’re hoping he survives the chaos and the drama!
Now, on to what the rest of Bachelor Nation had to say about The Bachelorette Season 8, episode 6….
Bachelorette Emily Maynard blogs about episode 6:
“While we did bond over our passion for our faith, I never felt comfortable being myself around him without feeling like I was being judged. That night I even asked Ryan if he would ever be the Bachelor, and he never gave me a yes or no answer, so that should have been warning sign number 1,298,398.
Despite all of this, for some crazy reason I still had such a hard time sending him home, and I know he was just as shocked to be going home. I’d be willing to bet he doesn’t hear the word “no” very often.
That night I was feeling a million different emotions, so when I saw Arie standing at my door I couldn’t have been happier. We’ve had this crazy pull to each other since our very first date and he is the person I looked to if I needed cheering up.
To hear how happy he and the other guys were about Ryan going home made me more confident in my decision. And it made me more confident in my relationship with Arie, because I could see how much I meant to him.”
Read more from Emily Maynard on….
Bachelorette host Chris Harrison blogs about episode 6:
“Jef continued to rise after his amazing date in London. How about the line he delivered telling Emily “you give me the type of feeling that people write about.” Come on, how do you not fall for that?
Ryan got the final one-on-one date, for good reason, and contrary to his belief, it’s not because he’s god’s gift to the world. Emily definitely had feelings for Ryan but she wanted another date to really put their relationship to the test. There’s so many things that are wrong with their relationship, but Emily does like the bad boy a bit and is attracted to him. Ryan has no idea how easily he could have gotten a rose and stayed had he not continuously shot himself in the foot. Repeatedly calling Emily a trophy wife didn’t help but the “list” of qualities he gave her really pushed her over the edge. Emily has no poker face and if you looked at her when he was reading that list you saw it was over right then and there.
I do have to give Ryan credit because even after Emily dumped him he continued to fight and almost convinced her she was wrong. Ryan’s exit speech was very interesting. As you saw, he had a specific message that he wanted everybody to hear. Well, we left it in, in its entirety. Now, you can be the judge on what kind of person he is. Arie might have delivered the best line this week when he said if Ryan is the next Bachelor then the Bachelorette is a mirror.”
Read more from Chris Harrison at….
From Ben Flajnik’s season, Kacie Boguskie blogs about episode 6:
“RYAN: He’s the first one to get a second one-on-one… I was in the same boat he was… we like to call it first, and second first-date syndrome… From moment one Emily seems to be closed off from Ryan, “he has all of the moves.” I’m nervous about this one! Now I’m gonna go ahead and throw this out there, but did all of his stuff really fit in one bad… Did Mine?? NO… I digress… I think that Ryan is more funny than “good” but then they head “oystering” according to Ryan… which Emily hates… already a date set up for failure… going fishing for something you hate… blahhhhh…. but then the “trophy bomb” is dropped again… after Ryan explains what she means, it has still rubbed Emily the wrong way. Now, I will say, I’ve never been the woman, or met a woman who considers “trophy wife” a compliment… actually EVER… minus the “future trophy wife” mug I used to own…but I’m understanding where he’s coming from. The day ends and now we’re to the night, the music changes… and it gets thick… I think Ryan is giving his all and his heart, I respect him for that… if you listen to his list, seriously if you’re not giving him the cold shoulder 3 weeks ago, those are probably things (at least 8/12) that you would want in someone yourself. But Emily doesn’t feel like she fits his mold and we now watch the LONGEST breakup in Bachelor history… I feel bad… but she let’s go “God’s best kisser”… I don’t see these two together… but I think they are both amazing people… but the supper table they are envisioning isn’t the same… and I respect that. And I’m not going even to respond to the dude’s reaction to him leaving… check yourself dudes and why you’re really there!”
Read more from Kacie Boguskie at Bachelor.TV….
From Bachelor fan blogger and video maker extraordinaire, Sophienette:
A video about the not-so-dearly departed Ryan Bowers…
Read/watch more from Sophienette on her blog Insomniac Ramblings….
From Brad Womack’s second season, Marissa May blogs about episode 6:
“Final one-on-one kicks off and Ryan and Emily go driving through the city, oystering and to a dinner that will probably never get eaten. Throughout the date we see their playful nature with each other. I think that since Emily always seems to joke back with Ryan, Ryan doesn’t see his comments as negatively effecting her. If she really didn’t like certain things he said I think she could’ve made it more clear that it was bothering her. Joking back and being playful may have been sending mixed messages. During dinner we get to the core of what pushes Emily away from Ryan. She thinks she would have to be too perfect around him and she isn’t sure if that’s because of her own insecurities. See, ladies. Even gorgeous women like Emily have insecurities. I have known one too many relationships that end up crashing and burning because of insecurities. I’m not thinking that was the case here, though. It may have been the straw that broke the camels back but I think these two are just on totally different pages. Major props go to Ryan, though, for finishing off the wine before his walk of shame. Priorities, people.”
Read more at….
From Jillian Harris’ season and Bachelor Pad 1, Dave Good blogs about episode 6:
“The group date is the worst date in #Bachelor or #Bachelorette History!!! A movie date?! Are you serious? “Hey we never get to see each other or talk and we have a few weeks to get to know each other with a chance we get married so lets go sit in the dark and not talk…” Brilliant!
The group date ends up being awesome because Emily tells them they are going to compete in a series of obstacles called the Highland games. Log throws, bow and arrow shooting and a tug of war thingy that is actually fun to watch.
Chris ends up getting last in the games but gets the sympathy Rose on the date because he got dead last. I’m glad Chris got the sympathy “bravery” cup on the date for getting dead last. It shows that big muscles and competitiveness don’t mean much, which is refreshing. THANK GOD! I can finally stop competing, working out, and lose at everything and still get the girl! #winning
Read more from Dave Good at Bachelor.TV….
From Jason Mesnick’s season and Bachelor Pad 1, Natalie Getz blogs about episode 6:
“Back at the mansion, the date card arrives and a cocky Ryan finds out he will be getting the next one-on-one. I missed the next 20 minutes or so of the episode, because I blacked out at the hideousness of Ryan’s female wife beater. While this does not surprise me after the scarf incident from last week, I’m still extremely repulsed. This can’t be one of the worldly gifts he is always talking about, can it be? If so, his gifts suck ass.
Ryan’s future divorce papers:
Filing: Ryan Bowzer
Petitioner Requests: Irreconcilable differences. Bitch burnt my dinner and sent me to work with a wrinkle in my shirt. Also, she didn’t lose weight fast enough after the birth of our child. And furthermore, she is losing her looks.
Read more from Natalie Getz at Bachelor.TV….
Former Bachelorette Ashley Hebert blogs about episode 6:
“This is the part of the episode that blows my mind. Ryan gets the second, one-on-one date, and I seem to think it’s because she is unsure about him. He has moments of arrogance, then moments of genuineness (mostly the former). Throughout the whole date, you can see Emily’s brain trying to figure him out. She knows he is a “bad boy” and probably vowed to herself to go for the good man. There is no room in her life for a guy like this. Ryan’s trophy wife comments really get me fired up. Does he think this is what every woman wants to hear? I can’t figure out if he’s just trying to be cool, and sound cool, or if he really is this much of a narcissist. Anyone know? The kicker for me was when Ryan gives Emily a list of things he wants in a wife. It’s all about him, him, him, and I’m really glad Emily finally saw through it. He seems like a womanizer to me, and certainly not someone that is a good fit for what Emily is looking for. Even though Emily says she’s unsure about giving him the rose, I disagree. I think there’s part of her that wants the bad boy, (we all do) and this is the part that is unsure whether she is making the right decision. Then there’s the motherly side of Emily that knows she is looking for a good man, and as much as she tries to fight it, Ryan is no Arie, Jef, or Sean. Sorry! ”
Read more from Ashley Hebert at….
Former Bachelorette Jillian Harris blogs about episode 6:
“Now on to Ryan…I’ve had a bad feeling about this guy from day one and now I know why. After he and Emily left for their solo date, the other guys talked about how much they dislike Ryan. The date got off to a fun start as they hit the water to catch some oysters, but when they got some alone time to chat, Ryan decided to throw out the whole “trophy wife” slang. Seriously? Hello! What century are you living in? See ya around, Ryan. Emily made a good call in this situation, although for a second there I thought she was going to change her mind and hand him the rose. I’m glad she stuck to her instincts and sent him off. Then Arie proved to Emily that he has her back when he snuck out to see her and for that, he got a rose and a kiss, again! I like a man that can defend his girl.”
Read more from Jillian Harris at….
Former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky blogs about episode 6:
“The kiss with Emily and Arie was HOT!!! Her relationship with him reminds me of mine with Roberto in terms of passion. Her relationship with Jef reminds me of my relationship with Frank on my season. Does this mean her season will turn out similarly? No. I’m just commenting on what I am seeing. I can’t get into all the reasons why I feel this way because a lot of the reasons are private. Yes, some things on “The Bachelorette” can be private, believe it or not. Ha! But I just wanted to point out that I feel this way.
I didn’t think Emily was super into Jef last week, but now she is saying that she didn’t want to watch Jef with one F compete and I am guessing that is because she was scared he would get hurt. This is exactly how I felt when Roberto olive oil wrestled in Turkey. I was terrified that he would get hurt and couldn’t watch. Wondering if she said that because she has the strongest feelings for him? Who knows, maybe I am wrong and she will end up with him. I just have such a hard time wrapping my head around a relationship moving slowly in Bachelorette land. There isn’t any time for it to move slowly. I guess they could get engaged (because that’s what people do on this show), but I think that their real relationship will develop (like most couples on this show) after the cameras stop rolling. We shall see.”
Read more from Ali Fedotowsky at….
Stacey B of the I Love the Bachelor / Bachelorette blog weighs in on episode 6:
“The bad boys are DUNZO for the season. Was so happy that Emily stood up to the strong sales pitch she got from Ryan tonight. What a piece of work that guy is. You can tell she loved flirting with him, found him charming, good looking – all the things he saw in himself. Yet her decision to send him home just shows what a mature, strong hearted woman she is. She’s like the Jane Eyre of her generation. Good job, Emily! Happy to see that our top 6 are all solid, NICE guys. She’s really good at this Bachelorette thing.”
Read more from Stacey B on her blog….
The Bachelor Expert blogs about episode 6:
“When Emily arrived, I loved how Jef and Arie wear their hoods, always. They take a car to go oyster hunting, Ryan talks about how it is an aphrodisiac, Arie is more suited for that.
Ryan brings up trophy wives, which is so awkward, we see Emily question everything about him. She is a single mother, not clay he can mold into whatever he wants. I found it hysterical when she wore gold, the stylist had to tease him, dressing her like a trophy.
Their conversation is semi-awkward, the way he laughs makes him appear he isn’t serious. Emily said, “Thank God you clarified that much,” when Ryan says she is more than just a trophy wife. I love her sassy attitude.
Ryan brings out a list of things his woman needs. Oh boy, she was not impressed. Emily can’t be his idea of perfect. They start playing sad music, and it is going south quick, and I don’t mean to Georgia. He didn’t value family high enough in his list, they are way too different people.
I don’t think Ryan is a bad guy, or villain by any means, he and Emily just aren’t right for each other. How shocked he was, made him look arrogant. She was turning him down softly. I thought she was going to have to say, “no means no.”
Read more at….
Bachelorette fan Lincee of ihategreenbeans blogs about episode 6:
“The boys make fun of Ryan for taking three hours to get ready every day. Chris explains that his primping regime includes chest waxing, leg shaving, five o’clock shadow sculpting, finger plucking and general musking of various body parts. He joins the men in the living room. Everyone “hoodies up” as Ryan begs someone to wish him luck on his one-on-one. None do.
Emily arrives, managing to not choke on the testosterone.
Ryan: “The world is our pearl!”
Emily: “Or oyster. Whatever.”
Ryan: “It’s our oyster and we’ve found the pearl. The pearl is you.”
Emily: “My you have all the lines, don’t you?”
I believe the last time I rolled on the floor laughing that hard was that time Ryan wore a tank top from the Sarah Connor “Terminator” collection. Remember that? It was backwards.
The guys do an impressive job of both holding in their laughter and not punching Ryan in his embellished jaw line. He leaves his duffel bag of bathroom supplies at the back door chock full of apricot scrubs, body butter and luxury brand shampoo and conditioner Kalon accidentally left in the shower. Once they are out the door, six grown men burst into hysterics before taking turns shaving their naughty bits with his straight razor.”
Read more at….
Bachelorette fashion blogger Possessionista blogs about episode 6:
Copyright Possessionista Media, LLC
Read more at….
Bachelorette fan blogger Knox McCoy weighs in on episode 6:
Ryan’s 12 Things About Everything He Wants In a Woman Ever
I get Ryan’s list but it wasn’t overly Emily-centric which history has shown is a huge error because everything and everyone everywhere needs to be about Emily.
Emily again picks up the rose which is clearly her tell. Like if we were playing poker against each other, I would totally put a plate of roses by her spot and I bet that every time she was going to bluff, she would pick up a rose and I would know and I would take all her money.
Emily gives Ryan the boot because his list of things he is looking for in a wife didn’t include “a loving family”? A loving family? Wait. So his list of characteristics should have included a detail that would have been fundamentally non-sensical to include? That’s like asking a person to talk about three ways their spouse makes them happy and saying that one of the answers should have been, “big red train.”
Emily gives him the official news and Ryan gives a sad sniff, long pause and says That is very shocking as though he was a field anthropologist and his hypothesis was proven wrong. Ryan tries to tell Emily that she’s wrong and it doesn’t look great because groveling doesn’t look great on anyone. HASHTAG AWKWARD.”
Read more at….
Bachelorette fan blogger Lost Angeles weighs in on episode 6:
“We start in beautiful D’breadsticks, Croatia with it’s old world charm and Game of Thrones architecture. It is also a place seemingly devoid of humans. Just well lit castles. From the beginning, you got the sense when Croatia signed up to host the show, they hadn’t seen it. Then they watched it and were like, yeah, you can’t go to the beaches or we’ll lose the drunken Aussies. Here. You can go to D’breadsticks and figure it the fuck out. It’s creepy there. Enjoy. Don’t let the locals steal your teeth when you sleep.
Chris Harrison was nowhere to be found, either because he’s not allowed back in this part of Europe or when he was told he was going to D’breadsticks and not some dope beach with drugs, he just stabbed a producer and skydived out of the plane flashing the middle finger the whole way up. Or he was busy getting divorced. Either way. This season lacks Chris and helicopters and I hate Lady Veneers for it. And all of West Virginia. And Ricki. I don’t care that she’s a child. I want my Bach to be #bachtastic.
Veneers says it’s going to be really hard leaving Ricki Bobbi at home, but honestly eventually there’s gonna be some sex and Ricki is already messed up enough from this show. I don’t need her in the fantasy suites. Same time, REALLY GLAD you had to mention her, Emily. I almost forgot you had a kid in between title cards of you holding your kid in a sun drenched field. Wait, are you a mom? On a scale of one to ten, we fucking get it already.”
Read more on the Lost Angeles blog….

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