
Bachelor Canada Finale: Brad Smith and Bianka Kamber!

Yes! It’s Brad Smith and Bianka Kamber for the Big Win!

For those of you lucky enough to watch The Bachelor Canada, you saw the fairytale finale where former professional football player Brad Smith chose professional Kim Kardashian doppelganger Bianka Kamber from Toronto. (First situation: Bianka or Bianca? It’s spelled both ways in multiple places).

 Ruth Myles: The Bachelor Canadas final rose goes to . . . Side note: Bianka, like Kim, also dated Kris Humphries. But to her credit, she is very accomplished in her own right and currently works as a nurse in Toronto.

In her introduction video Bianka claimed: “I think I’ll be the last one standing because I’m genuine and I’m outgoing and I’m ready to make the most outstanding wife a guy could ever have.”

Well, she called it! Now she can begin making plans with her new life-partner Brad Smith.

Bravo Canada! Bravo!! You guys have really impressed us fans in the United States. In fact, we found your Bachelor Brad Smith to be much more of a “catch” than our upcoming Bachelor, State Farm Insurance salesman Sean Lowe. And thank you for filling the dark days between September and January when we are without any Bachelor Television.

 Ruth Myles: The Bachelor Canadas final rose goes to . . . You really delivered the goods tonight. There was a final rose AND an engagement AND an 80s power ballad. Bryan Adam’s ballad “Heaven” really drove the final montage of the pair into the hearts of fans everywhere. These two have been through so much together over the last few weeks.

UPDATE: 3:19:2014 Brad and Bianka announce their break up!

I mean, last week we saw Brad meet Bianka in her hometown of Mississauga, Ontario to meet with her exclusively Croatian-speaking family. (Actually, they did speak English, but that didn’t stop them from pretending they didn’t.) The hometown included a quick heart-to-heart in the kitchen. There always has to be the brief heart-to-heart about the decision to choose a life-partner in the kitchen. Luckily the family decided Brad was “nice” and would be an acceptable life-partner for Bianka.

Not to mention all the other shenanigans the two enjoyed together in their extensive courtship as seen in the 6 episode video montage.

The Rose Ceremony is like the Super Bowl for us diehard fans and you guys really pulled the final rose ceremony together despite the very uncomfortable situation of Whitney’s exit.

Bianka expressed her doubts coming on the show pre-rose ceremony:

“Coming into it, I was so skeptical and stand-offish and had my guard up. . . . It would be devastating if he didn’t propose. . . . I am crazy in love with him.”

Thank God, because we were concerned that we would see the first ever Bachelor double-dump where both girls reject the Bachelor.

We always wonder what the contestants know ahead of time. Did Whitney know she was getting the boot and decided to beat Brad to the punch? Bianka seems pretty confident as she walks down the aisle to meet him. He says,  “I love that you came on the show and did it your way and you made me come after you. And I want to say that I will do that for as long as you will let me. I love you so much.” “You too, baby,” she responds. (If you haven’t seen the epic proposal you MUST! click here.)

Awwwwww, we are such suckers for a happy ending!!

Ok, Canada. It’s official. You have proved yourself! So let’s pump up the volume next season! xoxo
Your Bachelor Canada fans from the United States,

Christine Lo & Penny Farthing

Do you think the couple is still together?

4 thoughts on “Bachelor Canada Finale: Brad Smith and Bianka Kamber!”

  1. You guys mentioned that Bianka appeared pretty confident as she walked towards Brad at the last Rose Ceremony. That’s cuz she knew – Brad admited on CityTV, the network that produced the show in Canada, that he’d told her before the rose ceremony that Whitney was gone. I don’t think Bianka knew for sure that he was going to propose, but she knew there was no more “competition” per se.
    From the many interviews they gave yesterday, it really seems like after their Mexico date, they really were building a relatinoship together and that Brad’s dates with the other women were a little on “fake, just for the cameras” side of the spectrum.
    Anyway, who cares………he’s effing hot and they are sooooo cute together LOL

  2. Yay! He chose the Right lady. Other chickaboo was in for the competition aspect but not the finale lol. Doppelgänger??? No way Bianca is Way prettier than Kim, sorry no comparison.

  3. It was awesome that a guy finally chose the right girl! Great that they played Canadian Bryan Adams song at the end, that Brad blubbered, great that they took beer home as a present (very Canadian thing to do!), great that the horse loved him and that he slobbered all over him so much. I love Brad! What a sweety he turned out to be, even though he had a terrifying sister! Thankfully, we can all sleep well tonight knowing that he chose Bianka, which was the right move, at long last….!


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