Micro Situation Recap: Bachelor Canada episode 5 & 6

Welcome to Penny Farthing’s micro recap. These will be the opposite of the typical War and Peace-length recaps that a lot of bloggers out there are doing. I mean…some of these bloggers even include commentary on the commercials that air during the franchise’s two-hour Monday time slot!

I prefer to read a recap that takes less than the show’s running time to get through. So, we’re providing an alternative for those of you (like us) that prefer to read fun, quick recaps. If you’d like to read longer tomes, we do have some favorite (lengthy) Bachelor/ette bloggers we can refer you to — just ask!

Bachelor Canada episode 5 & 6 recap

Although I have been enjoying Bachelor Canada, I’m having a hard time getting as amped up and excited about it as I do for the American version of the show, so my apologies for these delayed blogs….if anyone is even following along anymore! What’s making the show hard to like is first, there’s no Chris Harrison, and second, they’re speeding up the show so much that we’re missing out on a lot of fun house antics and drama. We really haven’t been given that much time to really get to know the ladies and get invested in the outcome of the show because of the picked-up pace.

I mean, the Hometown Dates episode was almost ridiculous. Gabrielle even said on their meet-the-parents date: “This is really our first official 1on1.” I don’t think that’s ever happened on the American show. By the time the Hometown Dates roll around, the lead has usually been on one, if not two, 1on1 scenarios with the Top 4.

I do like Gabrielle’s sass in a way, but it’s still an immature and under-developed sass that I think will become more amazing with age. Right now, she seems to still be confused about the fact that just because she thinks a certain way, that doesn’t make it true. I really can’t handle anymore of her and her “I’m just speaking The Truth” stuff. But, from the preview for the Women Tell All show, I think we’re going to have to listen to bit more of it, unfortunately.

I really started to warm up to Bianka during her Hometown Date. It does seem like she’s starting to let her walls down, but I am still not feeling that same type of confident vibe that she’s totally into Brad. Which, after watching episode 6, is even crazier, since Brad ended up picking Whitney and Bianka for his Final Two, but, since Whitney basically told him after the rose ceremony that “she’s just not that into him,” that leaves Brad with two ladies that are kind of wishy-washy about their feelings for him going into the final couple of episodes. NUTS!

I find this especially nutty since, as I’ve said before, Brad actually seems like a CATCH, which has been a refreshing change from the American version of the show as of late. I think this just reinforces my theory that The Bachelorette leads are just far and away more equipped to vet and pick the right types of people to continue down the rose-colored pathway toward love.

Kara would have totally said YES to Brad in the end, but he let her go. As he did with countless others that were smitten with him. This inaugural season of The Bachelor Canada seems to be leading toward a really strange finale and Brad ending up with no one, if I had to guess.

What do you guys think????

UPDATE: 3:19:2014 Brad and Bianka announce their break up!



  1. think he picks Whitney to because like you said he got ris of all the good ones, so Bianka seems good there for she will be gone

  2. I am from Canada, my daughter was on the show…while she was taping the show I checked out the US Bachelors archives and found that the first US Bachelor show was only 7 or 8 episodes…that seems like a long time ago but I guess if you give Canada a few years to get into the game it will all come out very similar. I am also with you he got rid of the wrong girls a while ago…being partial I would have liked to have had that home town visit fit would have been fun…it also makes me wonder how much is Brad and how much is the show…its like the Courtney and whats his name thing…are these guys really that blind..

  3. He’ll end up with Whitney dumping him at the alter, er, on the spot. Hilarious to see this kind of outcome on the first Canadian show.

    • Oh wow! I was thinking there’s no way he’s going to pick Whitney in the end considering she basically just told him “don’t pick me.” But, maybe you’re right! Either way, it’s not looking good for Brad, which is too bad because he does seem like a catch….. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to know how to “pick ‘em”

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